Rappel / Belay Device
SQWUREL! What's that?
The Sqwurel (skwur-uhl) is a rappel / belay device for canyoneering.
The Sqwurel has a tail on the brake side of the device allowing the
user to adjust up and down through multiple levels of friction while
the device is loaded / weighted and in use. The ability to
change friction quickly and easily, makes a few situations in
canyoneering simpler and or safer. The real spelling is
SQWUREL not squirrel, squirl, sqrrrl, squirel, etc.
SQWUREL canyoneering rappel device. Thanks to Tom
Jones of Imlay Canyon Gear for the good picture of the SQWUREL.
For more information on the Sqwurel rappel device, check it out in
the BG-Gear
web store. Look in the side bar for a link to extra info about
the Sqwurel where you will find more information and a link to
download the instruction manual.
I have a few videos posted to YouTube to help get an idea of what
the Sqwurel is and how to use it. Check the below videos out
if you have interest.
Here is a video showing the basic use of the Sqwurel.
Here is a video detailing the friction adjustment along with a few related thoughts.
Here is a video showing the storage positions and what the function of the ear is.
Here is a video showing the Hard Lock-Off Method One for the Sqwurel Rappel / Belay Device.
Here is a video showing the Hard Lock-Off Method Two for the Sqwurel Rappel / Belay Device.
Here is a video showing the Soft Lock-Off Method for the Sqwurel Rappel / Belay Device.
Here is a video showing a couple bloopers from making the lock off videos for the Sqwurel Rappel / Belay Device.