Canyoneering Route Description
Imlay Canyon - 4B IV or V
Zion National Park, Utah.
06-07-08, 3 people, 2 Day (Travel time in route 24 hours) - Start from Lava Point - Canyon in Full Water Conditions.

07-28-18, 3 people, 1 Day (Travel time in route 16.8 hours) - Start
from Lava Point
Time Required - 16 to 18 hours
Distance from Lava Point -
11.4 miles Total, 3.2 miles Technical
Distance from Angel's Landing Trailhead -
13.1 miles Total, 3.2 miles Technical.
Rappels - 46 Rappels, Longest Rappel 170 feet.
Elevation Range from Lava Point - 7480 - 4500 feet.
Elevation Range from Angles Landing Trailhead -
4176 - 7360 feet.
Shuttle Required - Yes if starting from Lava Point
36.3 miles Vehicle - Passenger
Permit Required - Yes
Rappelling and anchor gear, Ropes and or pull cords for rappels
up to 170 feet and 100 feet of 1 inch webbing for sling
placement. There are a lot of rappels that can use a lot of
your webbing if replacement is needed. If the canyon has been
done recently, you will likely use very little webbing.
Potshots, hooks and other
pothole escape gear should be on
hand in the event they are
Wet suits are required for this
route. From the cross roads
down, wet suits are a must. 5mm
thickness should do well during
moderate weather.
I do not enjoy the upper half as much
as the lower half. The upper half of Imlay
Canyon is a mix of open canyon with vegetation and a few
sections where it feels deep and committing. The lower
section is much deeper, narrow and committing feeling with pothole after pothole.
Rap counts may vary depending on skill level and route
choice. A section containing a couple swims, some mud
and rap 19 can be quickly bypassed using a bypass path.
Raps 34, 36 and 37 can be easily down climbed or hand lined.
Raps 39 and 40 can be combined into one rappel with an easy
For an alternative route
to enjoy only the lower half of the canyon check out the description for the
Canyon Sneak Route.
To get to the Trailhead
There are a couple options for the start point of this route.
One route is to start at the Angels Landing trailhead and hike
to Potato Hollow, which involves significant elevation gain.
The other route starts from the West Rim Trailhead at Lava
Point. Starting from Lava Point is shorter and involves
elevation loss on the approach. Starting from the Angels
Landing trailhead is longer and involves significant elevation
gain! The only down side to the Lave Point start is the
need for a car shuttle.
Starting from West Rim Trailhead at Lave Point
From the South Gate of Zion National Park, drive about 14 miles
west on highway 9 to the turn off for the Kolob Reservoir Road.
Follow the Kolob Reservoir Road 20.1 miles to the turn off for
Lava Point (extLavaPoint). Turn right and follow Lava Point
Road 2.2 miles to the West Rim Trailhead (tWestRimN). There are
few roads around Lava Point which may mislead but there are
signs that will point you toward the West Rim Trailhead at Lava
Starting from the Angel's Landing Trailhead -
Park at the visitor Zion Visitor Center and ride the shuttle to
the Grotto bus stop.
To leave the Exit Vehicle / Escape Pod
An exit vehicle can be left at the visitor center for Zion.
After completing the route you will be able to ride the shuttle
system from "Temple of Sinawava" to the visitor center.
GPS coordinate information listed at the bottom. For information about waypoint naming and map symbols, refer to the
Glossary page.
Click the links for maps of the route.
Map of the entire route.
Map of the upper section.
Map of the lower section.
The Approach:
From the West Rim Trailhead at Lava Point,
(5.2 miles from trailhead to the Potato Hollow Junction)
From the West Rim Trailhead (tWestRimN) at Lava Point, follow the West Rim Trail south east. Continue past the
junction to the Wildcat Canyon Trail (jWldCatCny) about 500 feet into the
trail and past the junction to Sawmill Springs (jSawMillSpg) at about 0.9
miles. About 5.2 miles from the trailhead is the junction to Potato Hollow
This junction is where you leave the West Rim Trail.
From the Angels Landing Trailhead,
(9.9 miles from trailhead to the Potato Hollow Junction)
After getting off the shuttle at the Grotto stop,
walk across the road and start down the trail toward Angel’s
Landing (tAngleLnd). Go through Refrigerator Canyon and up the 21
Walter's Wiggles switch backs to Scouts Lookout (jWestRimS) at 2.1 miles
from the trail head. From Scout’s Lookout, follow the
signs pointing to the West Rim Trail (not Angel’s Landing). A
few sign posts will help guide you along a short slick rock section.
About 1.2 miles after Scouts Lookout will be a bridge
(cWstRmBridge) on the
trail. About 1
mile from the bridge the trail will turn from an overall
direction of southwest and start up northeast along a trail cut
into the side of a cliff heading northeast. This u-turn in
the trail is also the drop in point for
Behunin Canyon
(yBehuninTp). From this u-turn in the trail continue up a steep
trail cut into the side of a rock cliff about 0.5 miles
to the trail junction for Telephone Canyon (jTelphnCynTrl2) and
the Cabin Spring. If water is needed, Cabin Springs is about
300 feet down a trail, but check with rangers ahead of time to
see if water is flowing. From the trail junction stay left
to follow the West Rim Trail another 3.2 miles to the junction
for the other end of the Telephone Canyon Trail (jTelphnCynTrl1). Continue
on the West Rim Trail another 1.5 miles to the Junction for
Potato Hollow (jPotatoHollow). This junction is where you leave the West
Rim Trail.
From the junction to Potato Hollow (jPotatoHollow) follow the
trail eastish toward Potato Hollow.
About 475 feet from the trail junction the trail passes by the
northern end (wImlayRP-01) of a pond overgrown with grass.
As the trail passes the pond, the trail gives way to lots of
thick grass and vines with a few intermittent use trails cut
through. Find your way about 90 feet southeast to the head
of Imlay Canyon where tall grass fades away to more open walking
at the head of the canyon (yImlayTp).
The Canyon / Technical Section:
From the head of the canyon (yImlayTp), route find east along
the RDC (north) side rim of the canyon walk staying relatively close
to the rim. About 480 feet down canyon, the rim will cut hard
left and is where you can look down a minor ledge to large trees to
find the webbing for rap 1.
Rap 1 (dImlayR1-3) anchored from large tree and drops 150 feet.
Rap 2, at the bottom of rap 1, anchored from tree and drops about 60
Rap 3, at the bottom of rap 2, anchored from a
large shrub and uses about 100 feet of rope over a couple stages.
About 500 feet farther is ledge (wImlayRP-02) in water course with
no good anchors. Scramble up along the LDC side contouring down
canyon about 100 feet over to webbing on a tree for the next rap.
Rap 4 (dImlayR4) is
anchored from a tree and drops 40 feet along a slow trickling
water fall. A very short distance down canyon is a very
big drop in the watercourse too tall for 200 foot ropes. From
the top of that drop, scramble up the steep slope on the LDC
(north) side and look for a small pine tree with webbing on it
for the next rap about 50 feet away. Be careful as this
section is steep and very exposed.
There is some vegetation which can make locating the anchor a
little difficult.
Rap 5 (dImlayR5-7), anchored from small tree and drops about 30
feet to a larger pine tree.
Rap 6, at the bottom of rap 5, anchored from large pine tree and
drops about 70 feet to a small rock ledge just out of view.
Starting down this rap can be a little stressful as you can not
immediately see the next anchor and and feel like 70 feet is not
near enough rope. Shortly down the rap you can see the next rap
station on the small ledge below. The ledge for rap 6 fits
2 people well and 3 would be difficult to manage.
Rap 7, at the bottom of rap 6, anchored from old hanger, piton
and two newer glue in anchors and drops 180 feet along a sheer
From the bottom of rap 7, walk up a small incline in the up
canyon direction then down the steep slope on the other side to
the canyon floor below. Continuing down canyon has some
bushwhacking and side ravines to navigate your way around.
Scramble your way down into the canyon where possible.
On my visit in 2008, we continued
down canyon after rap 7 and found ourselves up high on a ridge.
Rather than find a way to scramble in, we set up a rappel to get
back to the canyon floor, oops.
Continuing down canyon is mostly wash walking with one short
narrow section that has a few downclimbs chest deep pools.
Rap 8 is about 0.55 miles down canyon of rap 7.
Rap 8 (dImlayR8) anchored LDC from a small tree and drops about
30 feet to a pool to swim.
Shortly down canyon is skinny section (wImlayRP-03) that can be
bypassed scrambling up on the LDC side then back down in with
teh next rap just down canyon.
Rap 9 (dImlayR9) is anchored LDC from a single loose bolted
hanger and drops about 15 feet down sloped slickrock that could
be slid / down climbed by some. Continue down canyon down
climbing down to and through 2 or 3 water filled potholes that
will have some swimming before reaching the next rap.
Rap 10 (dImlayR10) is anchored RDC from a choke stone and drops
about 20 feet to more swimming in narrow slot. Shortly after is
a downclimb of 8 to 10 feet as the canyon widens just a little.
About 200 feet down canyon is rap 11.
Rap11 (dImlayR11) is anchored from a bush and drops about 12
feet over a boulder to a pool below. This drop can be
downclimbed using the anchor as a hand line. Just after
this rap are more pools to cross, some can be stemmed across
while others are swimmers. About 600 feet farther the
canyon will begin to widen and drop quickly which is where the
next rap is.
Down canyon of rap 12 are some short narrow sections to
downclimb through with more pools of waist to chest deep.
Rap 13 (dImlayR13) is anchored from 2 bolted hangers on the LDC
side and drops about 20 feet into deeper narrows. This is
the first section that had the tight deep feeling narrow slots.
Below rap 13 in the deep tight narrows are a few pools and a
downclimbs over logs of about 10 to 12 feet each.
Rap 14 (dImlayR14) is anchored from a log and drops about 25
feet. Canyon continues narrow with more pools to swim. A
few hundred feet down canyon is the next rap.
Rap 15 (dImlayR15) anchored from a log with an awkward start and drops about 8 feet to a pool below into a slot.
A few more pools to wade through for about 350 feet down canyon
to the next rap. At the top of rap 16 is a wide level
ledge on the LDC side where a group can camp.
Rap 16 (dImlayR16-18) anchored from a small tree and drops about
25 feet into a narrows with a shallow pothole midway down. Wade
across a waist deep pothole to the next rap.
Rap 17 anchored from 2 bolted hangers RDC and drops about 25
feet between narrow walls. Wade across a 50 foot long pool to
the next rap.
Rap 18 anchored from one bolted hanger and drops about 15 feet
to a pothole about 5 feet in and 5 feet deep with a short drop
on the other side down to a large pool to swim to more3 open
canyon. The pothole at the bottom of the rap can be avoided with
some effort.
After the long pool to swim, the canyon makes a sharp right turn
to easy walking into the cross roads area. A few hundred feet
farther a side canyon drops in from RDC (wImlayRP-04) and you are
in the cross roads. A short distance later another canyon comes in LDC
(wImlayRP-05). Then another few hundred feet of easy walking.
Next will be a a down climb of about 8 feet over some logs and
into a pool. Before dropping down into the pool you have a
choice to make. You can continue down the water course through a
couple pools filled with debris and slog through some muddy
sections to get to the top of rap 19. Or you can access a
bypass route that will go around the pools, the mud and around
rap 19. If you are pushed for time the bypass is a good
The Sneak Route drops into the canyon very close to the ramp up
for the bypass or rap 19. If following Sneak Route this is
where you will drop into the canyon.
Continue down the water course:
Down climb about 8 feet over logs down into the pool below.
The first part of the pool is a swimmer. If the water
level is high here you may need to duck under an overhanging
rock and point your nose up so you still have breathing room.
After the swim there is a section of walking in the mud leading
to another pool. This second pool generally has a LOT of
sticks, leaves, pine needles and logs in it. Getting
through this second pool is a lot like navigating the trash
compactor on the Death Star in Star Wars. After crossing
the debris filled hole it is a short muddy walk over to the top
of rap 19.
Rap19 (dImlayR19) is about 0.2 miles down canyon of rap 18. Rap
19 is anchored LDC from 2 bolt and hangers and starts into a
short section of slot. Rap 19 is a 2 stage rap and first drops about 20
feet over some logs then down more to a large pool about knee deep. The other side of this pool has another drop of about 12 feet to another pool. From the top of the rap to the lower pool is about 60 feet of rope travel.
At the bottom of rap 19 is a pool you will need to swim to get
to the other side.
Using the bypass route to get around the pools and rap
When you get to the down climb into the pool, turn around and
walk back up canyon about 100 feet. Look for a slope up
the slick rock on the LDC side of the canyon. Climb up the
slope to get to a wide open ledge with a few paths worn in
various places. Follow the paths down canyon until the
ledge starts to drop back down toward the canyon floor.
Then stay to the far left and look for a down climb in a slot
next to the canyon wall. Stem down the slot to a pool
below and wade / swim to the other end of the pool. You
are now at the bottom of rap 19.
This route can be a time saver if you are trying to make good
canyon times or are just in a hurry. The ledge can also
make a good spot to camp if you want to get up out of the water
Rap 20 (dImlayR20) is about 600 hundred feet down canyon of rap 19
with a couple pools and short down climbs along the way.
Rap 20 is anchored from a log, jammed at the top of the rappel.
Rap 20 drops about 12 feet to a deep pool in a slot.
After swimming the pool below rap 20 the canyon opens just a little and provides some easy walking. Then quickly presents you with a couple more down climbs into pools in narrow slots. One of these slots was
fun with a down climb about 8 feet under a large choke stone wedged above you then
swim further down under another large choke stone.
The large rock wedged overhead of about 6ft in diameter is a
good land marker to let you know you are between raps 20 ad 21.
On the other side of the pool with the large choke stones over head, is a climb
"up" a log jam made up of mostly small to medium size debris. Getting up on the rock at the top of the
log jamb is a bit tricky with your pack on. The large boulder
is the top of rap 21.
Rap 21 (dImlayR21-22) is about 600 feet down canyon of rap 20. Rap 21 is anchored with webbing slung around a choke stone between the wall and the right side of the large boulder
at the top of the log jamb. Rap 21 drops about 15 feet to a pool below in a slot and has some log debris scattered in it.
Rap 22 is shortly after rap 21. Rap 22 drops about 15 feet to another pool.
Rap 22 is anchored from a log about 20 feet up canyon from the
rap. The top of R22 has a boulder sitting at the top of it that is covered in lots of nodules. The rock looks out of place
compared to everything around it. It is made of the same sandstone but is not carved smooth. Instead it is the bumpiest rock around.
This makes a good landmark to know you are at Rap 22.
After rap 22 there are a couple small down climbs into more pools then the canyon opens up for a short distance and allows easy walking. Near the end of this open section another canyon seems to join
from LDC.
The canyon starts to close up tight again. It gets tighter, deeper, and wetter
with pothole after pot hole.
Rap 23 (dImlayR23) is almost 0.25 miles down canyon of rap 22
and is the start of the deep, twisting, pothole filled section.
Rap 23 is anchored RDC from a single bolt and hanger and drops
about 20 feet to a pool below with smooth twisting walls to close it in.
Rap 24 (dImlayR24-27) is about 80 feet down canyon of rap 23. Rap 24 is anchored
from a choke stone at your feet and drops about 15 feet into another pool. The canyon begins to get deep and dark in this area. You feel like you are in the belly of the beast.
Rap 25 is just around the corner below rap 24. Rap 25 has a window to go through to get to the anchor (a single bolt and hanger
LDC) and drops about 20 feet to a pool below. The column that forms the edge of the window can be used as a balanced rappel with one person on each side
if you want to take the time to play.
Rap 26 and Rap 27 are immediately after rap25. Rap 26 is anchored from a log at the top of the rap and drops about 15 feet to a pool. Rap 27 is anchored LDC by 2 bolt and hangers and drops about
35 feet to a pool below. There are a couple logs wedged in a pothole midway down Rap 27.
After rap 27 down climb through a tight crack underneath a jammed log. It is not possible to fit through this crack with your pack on. If your pack is too large you will still have a hard time pushing it up and through the wider section of this crack.
Or you can climb up onto the log and rap off a single VERY old
anchor or hand line climb down.
Rap 28 and Rap 29 (dImlayR28-29) are about 1200 feet down canyon of rap 27.
Rap 28 is anchored from a log LDC and drops about 12 feet to a pool below. Rap 29 is anchored from a log at the top of the rap and drops about 20 feet to a pool below.
In case you hadn’t noticed by the redundancy of the last few rappel explanations, I would like to add that the canyon is continually tight, wet, and full of potholes
and logs with rap after rap in this section.
Rap 30 (dImlayR30) is about 600 feet after rap 29. Rap 30 is anchored
RDC from a single bolt and hanger and drops about 20 feet to a pool below. Is this starting to sound familiar yet?
Just after rap 30 is a possible keeper hole. With high water
levels (which is the only way I have seen it so far) there is an
advantage but there is still no way to climb out the other side.
A hooking kit will help get you up the other side easily since
previous travelers have already chipped hole in the rock.
Rap 31 and Rap 32 (dImlayR31-32) are about 250 feet down canyon of rap 30.
Rap 31 is anchored LDC from 2 bolted hangers and drops about 12 feet to a pool. Rap 32 is anchored LDC from 2 bolt and hangers and starts over some log debris and drops about 15 feet to a pool below.
Rap 33 (dImlayR33) is about 100 feet down canyon of rap 32. Rap 33 is anchored LDC with 2 bolt and hangers and drops about 25 feet to a keeper hole at the bottom. The hole had a narrow slot exit that was completely blocked with a fallen log.
The log does not easily lend itself to being lassoed from the
top of the rap. Dropping into the hole and using a pot shot bag to grab the log above and climb out
seems to work if you can not just climb the log. On the other side of the log is
down climb of about 6 feet to another large pool. It is
helpful to have one person stay on to of the log after climbing
out to assist others climb out and to shuttle packs.
After rap 33 is a series of 6 or 8 foot drops down into potholes
to swim out of.
A short distance later is another keeper hole the is easily
escaped with the hooking kit.
After the keeper hole the canyon opens up for a brief moment then tightens
again with a short down climb from a log to a slot with a pool in it. Then the canyon opens up again for an easy walk over a
few hundred feet.
The canyon tightens up once again where two large trees have fallen at the narrow entrance (wImlayRP-06).
This next tight section of the canyon is only about 600 feet long. At the end of this section you will find yourself about 110 feet up on a ledge looking down into the Narrows. This 600 foot section contains
Raps 34 – 46 one right after the other. That’s 12 rappels in
about 600 feet. I will not give a play by play except where noteworthy.
Rap 34 (dImlayR34-37) is anchored from a log at the top of the rappel and drops about 6 feet to a pool.
Rap 34 can be down climbed.
Rap 35 is anchored LDC from 2 bolt and hangers and drops about 25 feet to a pool.
Rap 36 is anchored from a log at the top of the rappel and drops about
10 feet to a pool. Rap 36 can be hand lined easily.
Rap 37 is anchored RDC from a single piton (pointing down rappel) and drops about 15 feet to a dry rocky floor. The position of this piton made me a bit nervous. The rap was not pulling on it in a sheering fashion but rather like it was trying to pull the piton right out of the rock.
This rap can easily be hand lined as well. Or all but the
last person can be meat anchored from the top and the last
person down will be easy to capture as he slides down the slope.
Rap 38 (dImlayR38-40) is anchored RDC with one bolt and hanger and drops about 15 feet to a pool.
Rap 39 is anchored LDC from 2 bolt and hangers and drops about 15 feet to a pool.
One of the anchors is old and thin.
Rap 40 is anchored LDC from 2 bolt and hangers LDC and drops down a sloped wall about 20 feet to a pool.
Using 60 feet of rope travel you can rap from rap 39 and bypass
rap 40. The rope pull from the bottom of rap 40 is pretty
Rap 41 (dImlayR41-43) is anchored RDC from a single bolt and hanger and drops about 30 feet to a pool below. Somewhere along this section
you can hear the roar of water flowing through the narrows.
Rap 42 is anchored from the top of a log wedged in a narrow
opening. There are 2 bolt and hangers RDC just above the log.
Rap 42 drops about 20 feet to a pool.
Rap 43 is about 100 feet down canyon of rap 42. Rap 43 is anchored LDC from one bolt and hanger and a log at the
top of the rappel and drops about 10 feet to a pool.
Rap 44 (dImlayR44-46) is anchored RDC from 2 bolt and hangers and drops about 25 feet to a pool below. The pool below this rap is a keeper and is cluttered with wood debris. The other side of the pool has a short smooth wall to climb up out of. There are no holes chiseled here for hooking out. If you want to hook out you will have to chisel your own holes.
From the top of the rappel, throw a pot shot over the logs on
the other side of the keeper below. There are enough logs
to give ample spots to get the pot shot hung up to use as an aid
to climb out the other side after dropping to the pool. A
combination of prusik loops and butterfly knots tied in the rope
as steps should get you to the other side. If this hole is
full it is an easy climb onto the ledge.
At the top of the escape side of the pool below rap 44 the logs
extend as a bridge over yet another pool.
Rap 45 is on the other side of the log bridge. From the top of Rap 44 to the bottom of Rap 45 there is very little room for people and packs. Extra care needs to be taken to get all people and cargo across this area safely.
Rap 45 anchored LDC from 2 bolt and hangers and drops about 45 feet to a large pool.
While sitting at the top of Rap 45 looking back up canyon toward
rap 44, you can see some anchors on the left (RDC). It looks like the hole
below rap 44 may be avoidable. It looks like there may have be a route RDC up and around Rap 44 and dropping to the
exit side of the keeper. I thought it worth mentioning in case it turns out to be a better route.
On the other side of the pool below Rap 45 is a walk out and about 25 feet of dry land as you approach the ledge looking 110 feet down to the Virgin River Narrows. The roaring sound is a lot louder now. This is Rap 46.
Rap 46 is anchored from bolted hangers around the corner LDC on
an exposed ledge over the narrows. There are 2 bolt and hangers LDC about 10 feet from the ledge. Webbing Runners are strung from there to
the bolt and hangers
LDC around the corner for the rap station. These web runners are a great safety to tie in too while rigging the final rap of 110 feet.
Touch down in the Virgin River Narrows marks the end of the
Canyon portion of the Imlay route (yImlayBt) and is 3.4 miles from Potato
The Exit:
The bottom of Rap 46 is in the Virgin Narrows and is the bottom exit
of Imlay Canyon (yImlayBt). Travel 2.7 miles down stream (south) to
the Temple of Sinawava which is the lower trailhead for the Virgin
River Narrows (tNarrowsBot). The last mile is paved sidewalk.
From the Temple of Sinawava ride the Zion shuttle to the visitor
center to pick up the vehicle you left there.
Downloadable GPX files
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Waypoint naming convention and map symbol information can be found on the Glossary page.
Elevations are approximate.
manually entering coordinates set your system to WGS84 datum and Lat/Lon hddd.ddddd° coordinate format.
Inconsistent datum's and coordinate formats will result in location errors.
Click to show / expand the list of waypoints below........
Imlay (1) - Drive to Upper Trailhead |
- extKolobRes
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.20374
W -113.18604
Elev: NaN Feet
Turn off for Kolob Reservior Raod.
- tLftFrkNrthCk
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.28480
W -113.09576
Elev: 5,070 Feet
Trailhead for the Left Fork of North Creek trail.
- tWildCatCyn
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.33985
W -113.07587
Elev: 6,970 Feet
Wild Cat Canyon Trailhead.
- extLavaPoint
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.39454
W -113.05287
Elev: 7,898 Feet
Turn off for Lava Point off of the Kolob Reservoir Road.
- tWestRimN
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.38155
W -113.02298
Elev: 7,470 Feet
Northern trailhead for the West Rim Trail (by Lava Point).
Imlay (2) Approach from Upper Trailhead |
- tWestRimN
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.38155
W -113.02298
Elev: 7,470 Feet
Northern trailhead for the West Rim Trail (by Lava Point).
- jWldCatCny
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.38057
W -113.02244
Elev: 7,450 Feet
Junction where the Wild Cat Canyon Trail ends at the West Rim Trail.
- jSawMillSpg
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.37184
W -113.01502
Elev: 7,290 Feet
Junction to Saw Mill Spring
- jPotatoHollow
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.32098
W -112.98908
Elev: 6,810 Feet
Junction off the West Rim Trail to Potato Hallow.
To go to the top of Imlay Canyon follow the trail eastish toward Potato Hollow.
- wImlayRP-01
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.32062
W -112.98745
Elev: NaN Feet
Trail passes by the northern end of a pond overgrown with grass. As the trail passes the pond, the trail gives way to lots of thick grass and vines with a few intermittent use trails cut through. Find your way about 90 feet southeast to the head of Imlay Canyon where tall grass fades away to more open walking at the head of the canyon.
- yImlayTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.32045
W -112.98730
Elev: 6,740 Feet
Top of Imlay Canyon. Route find east along the RDC (north) side rim of the canyon staying relatively close to the rim. About 480 feet down canyon, the rim will cut hard left and is where you can look down a minor ledge to large trees to find the webbing for rap 1.
Imlay (3) - Approach from Lower Trailhead |
- wBusStpGrotto
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.25908
W -112.95121
Elev: 4,280 Feet
The Grotto shuttle stop on the Zion - Floor of the Valley road.
- tAngleLnd
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.25998
W -112.95152
Elev: 4,300 Feet
Angel's Landing Trailhead.
- sWaltrsWiglsTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.27534
W -112.95128
Elev: NaN Feet
Top of Walter's Wiggles. 21 short steep switchbacks cut into the rock for the trail.
- jWestRimS
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.27492
W -112.95085
Elev: 5,330 Feet
Junction off the Angel's Landing trail for the Southern West Rim Trailhead. This is known as Scouts Lookout.
- cWstRmBridge
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.28598
W -112.95582
Elev: 5,590 Feet
A bridge allowing the trail to cross a stream.
- jImlaySneak
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.28683
W -112.95903
Elev: 5,690 Feet
This is where you leave the trail to start the off trail portion of the Sneak Route to Imlay Canyon.
- jTelphnCynTrl2
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.28674
W -112.96846
Elev: 6,740 Feet
Junction where the Telephone Canyon trail and the Cabin Springs trail both meet the West Rim Trail.
- sCabinSpng
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.28756
W -112.96841
Elev: 6,706 Feet
Cabin Spring. Seasonal Water filtering source.
- jWestRimCamp4
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.28539
W -112.98403
Elev: 7,340 Feet
Junction to Camp 4 on the West Rim Trail.
- jTelphnCynTrl1
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30388
W -112.98553
Elev: NaN Feet
Junction where the Telephone Canyon trail meets the West Rim Trail
- jPotatoHollow
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.32098
W -112.98908
Elev: 6,810 Feet
Junction off the West Rim Trail to Potato Hallow.
To go to the top of Imlay Canyon follow the trail eastish toward Potato Hollow.
- wImlayRP-01
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.32062
W -112.98745
Elev: NaN Feet
Trail passes by the northern end of a pond overgrown with grass. As the trail passes the pond, the trail gives way to lots of thick grass and vines with a few intermittent use trails cut through. Find your way about 90 feet southeast to the head of Imlay Canyon where tall grass fades away to more open walking at the head of the canyon.
- yImlayTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.32045
W -112.98730
Elev: 6,740 Feet
Top of Imlay Canyon. Route find east along the RDC (north) side rim of the canyon staying relatively close to the rim. About 480 feet down canyon, the rim will cut hard left and is where you can look down a minor ledge to large trees to find the webbing for rap 1.
Imlay (4) - The Canyon, |
- yImlayTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.32045
W -112.98730
Elev: 6,740 Feet
Top of Imlay Canyon. Route find east along the RDC (north) side rim of the canyon staying relatively close to the rim. About 480 feet down canyon, the rim will cut hard left and is where you can look down a minor ledge to large trees to find the webbing for rap 1.
- dImlayR1-3
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31987
W -112.98598
Elev: NaN Feet
Imlay Canyon - Raps 1-3
Rap 1, anchored from large tree and drops 150 feet.
Rap 2, at the bottom of rap 1, anchored from tree and drops about 60 feet.
Rap 3, at the bottom of rap 2, anchored from a large shrub and uses about 100 feet of rope over a couple stages.
- wImlayRP-02
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31943
W -112.98393
Elev: NaN Feet
Ledge in water course with no good anchors. Scramble up along the LDC side contouring down canyon about 100 feet over to webbing on a tree for the next rap.
- dImlayR4
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31957
W -112.98372
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 4 - Imlay Canyon. Anchored from a tree and drops 40 feet along a slow trickling water fall.
A very short distance down canyon is a very big drop in the watercourse too tall for 200 foot ropes. From the top of that drop, scramble up the steep slope on the LDC (north) side and look for a small pine tree with webbing on it for the next rap about 50 feet away. Be careful as this section is steep and very exposed. There is some vegetation which can make locating the anchor a little difficult.
- dImlayR5-7
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31953
W -112.98342
Elev: NaN Feet
Raps 5 - 7 - Imlay Canyon.
Rap 5, anchored from small tree and drops about 30 feet to a larger pine tree.
Rap 6, at the bottom of rap 5, anchored from large pine tree and drops about 70 feet to a small rock ledge just out of view. Starting down this rap can be a little stressful as you can not immediately see the next anchor and and feel like 70 feet is not near enough rope. Shortly down the rap you can see the next rap station on the small ledge below. The ledge for rap 6 fits 2 people well and 3 would be difficult to manage.
Rap 7, at the bottom of rap 6, anchored from old hanger, piton and two newer glue in anchors and drops 180 feet along a sheer wall.
From the bottom of rap 7, walk up a small incline in the up canyon direction then down the steep slope on the other side to the canyon floor below. Continuing down canyon has some bushwhacking and side ravines to navigate your way around. Scramble your way down into the canyon where possible.
Note: On my visit in 2008, we continued down canyon after rap 7 and found ourselves up high on a ridge. Rather than find a way to scramble in, we set up a rappel to get back to the canyon floor, oops.
- dImlayR8
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31884
W -112.97458
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 8 - Imlay Canyon. Anchored LDC from a small tree and drops about 30 feet to a pool to swim.
- dImlayR9
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31897
W -112.97427
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 9 - Imlay Canyon. Anchored LDC from a single loose bolted hanger and drops about 15 feet down sloped slickrock that could be slid / down climbed by some. Continue down canyon down climbing down to and through 2 or 3 water filled potholes that will have some swimming.
- wImlayRP-03
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31887
W -112.97445
Elev: NaN Feet
Skinny section that can be bypassed scrambling up on the LDC side then back down in.
- dImlayR10
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31903
W -112.97414
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 10 - Imlay Canyon. Anchored RDC from a choke stone and drops about 20 feet to more swimming in narrow slot. Shortly after is a downclimb of 8 to 10 feet as the canyon widens just a little.
- dImlayR11
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31967
W -112.97362
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 11 - Imlay Canyon. Anchored from a bush and drops about 12 feet over a boulder to a pool below. This drop can be downclimbed using the anchor as a hand line. Just after this rap are more pools to cross, some can be stemmed across while others are swimmers. About 600 feet farther the canyon will begin to widen and drop quickly which is where the next rap is.
- dImlayR12
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31936
W -112.97103
Elev: 5,660 Feet
Rap 12 - Imlay Canyon. Anchored from a very large pine tree on the RDC side and drops about 90 feet down a sloped wall on the RDC side. Just before this rap, the canyon begins to widen significantly and drop quickly. From there follow a use trail on the RDC side staying high and contouring over to a large pine tree for the anchor.
Down canyon of rap 12 are some short narrow sections to downclimb through with more pools of waist to chest deep.
- dImlayR13
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31992
W -112.96976
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 13 - Imlay Canyon. Anchored from 2 bolted hangers on the LDC side and drops about 20 feet into deeper narrows. This is the first section that had the tight deep feeling narrow slots. Below rap 13 in the deep tight narrows are a few pools and a downclimbs over logs of about 10 to 12 feet each.
- dImlayR14
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31750
W -112.96704
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 14 - Imlay Canyon. Anchored from a log and drops about 25 feet. Canyon continues narrow with more pools to swim.
- dImlayR15
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31657
W -112.96549
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 15 - Imlay Canyon. Anchored from a log with an awkward start and drops about 8 feet to a pool below into a slot. A few more pools to wade through for about 350 feet down canyon to the next rap.
- dImlayR16-18
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31663
W -112.96437
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 16 -17 - Imlay Canyon.
At the top of rap 16 is a wide level ledge on the LDC side where a group can camp.
Rap 16 anchored from a small tree and drops about 25 feet into a narrows with a shallow pothole midway down. Wade across a waist deep pothole to the next rap.
Rap 17 anchored from 2 bolted hangers RDC and drops about 25 feet between narrow walls. Wade across a 50 foot long pool to the next rap.
Rap 18 anchored from one bolted hanger and drops about 15 feet to a pothole about 5 feet in and 5 feet deep with a short drop on the other side down to a large pool to swim to more3 open canyon. The pothole at the bottom of the rap can be avoided with some effort.
After the long pool to swim, the canyon makes a sharp right turn to easy walking into the cross roads area.
- wImlayRP-04
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31608
W -112.96355
Elev: 5,340 Feet
Another canyon drops in RDC.
- wImlayRP-05
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31625
W -112.96307
Elev: NaN Feet
Another canyon drops in LDC.
- wImlayCrossRds
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31593
W -112.96232
Elev: 5,320 Feet
Cross Roads in Imlay Canyon where the shortcut route joins the main route.
- dImlayR19
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31594
W -112.96107
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 19 in Imlay Canyon. Uses about 60 feet of rope travel over all. Anchored LDC from 2 bolt and hangers. 20 feet then across a pool then down another 12 feet.
- dImlayR20
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31532
W -112.95955
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 20 in Imlay Canyon. Drops 12 feet to pool anchored from log.
- dImlayR21-22
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31403
W -112.95851
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 21 - 22 in Imlay Canyon. Shortly before reaching rap 21 will be a large stone wedged overhead of about 6ft in diameter. To get to rap 21 you will need to climb up a ramp of log jam debris.
Rap 21 drops about 15 feet anchored from choke stone RDC by large boulder.
Rap 22 drops about 15 feet to pool anchored up canyon about 20 feet by log used as a dead man. Bumpy rock at the top is a good landmark.
- dImlayR23
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31203
W -112.95576
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 23 in Imlay Canyon. Drops about 20 feet to a pool anchored from 1 bolt and hanger RDC.
- dImlayR24-27
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31172
W -112.95558
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 24 - 27 in Imlay Canyon.
Rap 24 drops about 15 feet and anchored from choke stone at your feet.
Rap 25 drops about 20 feet and is anchored from a single bolted anchor LDC on the other side of a natural window.
Rap 26 drops about 15 feet and is anchored from a log at the top of the rap.
Rap 27 drops about 35 feet and is anchored LDC by 2 bolted hangers.
- sImlayDarkSlot
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.31138
W -112.95561
Elev: NaN Feet
Approximate location of the dark slot in Imlay Canyon
- dImlayR28-29
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30981
W -112.95421
Elev: NaN Feet
Raps 28 - 29 in Imlay Canyon.
Rap 28 drops about 12 feet and is anchored LDC from a log.
Rap 29 drops about 20 feet and is anchored from a log.
- dImlayR30
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30947
W -112.95352
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 30 in Imlay Canyon. Drops about 20 feet and is anchored RDC from a single bolted hanger.
- dImlayR31-32
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30910
W -112.95317
Elev: NaN Feet
Raps 31 and 32 in Imlay Canyon.
Rap 31 drops about 12 feet.
Rap 32 drops about 15 feet and is anchored LDC from 2 bolted hangers.
- dImlayR33
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30883
W -112.95267
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 33 in Imlay. Drops about 25 feet to a keeper. Anchored LDC from 2 bolt and hangers.
- wImlayRP-06
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30836
W -112.95062
Elev: 4,950 Feet
Canyon opens briefly. Then tightens up again here.
- dImlayR34-37
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30834
W -112.95022
Elev: NaN Feet
Raps 34 - 37 in Imlay Canyon.
Rap 34 drops about 6 feet, anchored from a log and can easily be down climbed.
Rap 35 drops about 25 feet and is anchored LDC from 2 bolted hangers.
Rap 36 drops about 8 feet is anchored from a log and can be easily down climbed.
Rap 37 drops about 15 feet and is anchored from a scarily placed piton RDC and can easily be handlined as well.
- dImlayR38-40
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30895
W -112.94955
Elev: NaN Feet
Raps 38 - 40 in Imlay Canyon.
Rap 38 drops about 15 feet and is anchored from a single bolted hanger RDC.
Rap 39 drops about 15 feet and anchored from 2 bolted hangers LDC
Rap 40 drops about 20 feet and is anchored from 2 bolted hangers LDC.
Raps 39 and 40 can be combined as a single rap using 60 feet or rope travel.
- dImlayR41-43
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30945
W -112.94936
Elev: NaN Feet
Raps 41 - 43 in Imlay Canyon.
Rap 41 drops about 30 feet and anchored from a single bolted hanger RDC.
Rap 42 drops about 20 feet and is anchored from 2 bolted hangers RDC.
Rap 43 drops about 10 feet and is anchored from one bolted hanger LDC.
- dImlayR44-46
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30972
W -112.94927
Elev: NaN Feet
Raps 44 - 46 in Imlay Canyon.
Rap 44 drops about 25 feet to a keeper and is anchored 2 bolted hangers RDC.
Rap 45 drops about 45 feet and is anchored from 2 bolted hangers LDC.
Rap 46 drops about 115 feet to the Narrows and is anchored from a few bolted hangers LDC around a corner on a ledge.
- yImlayBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30986
W -112.94923
Elev: 4,670 Feet
Bottom of Imlay Canyoneering route where it dumps into The Zion Narrows.
Imlay (5) - Exit |
- yImlayBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30986
W -112.94923
Elev: 4,670 Feet
Bottom of Imlay Canyoneering route where it dumps into The Zion Narrows.
- yOrdervilleBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.30803
W -112.94661
Elev: 4,670 Feet
Bottom exit of Orderville Canyon.
Junction where Orderville Canyon meets the narrows in the North Fork of the Virgin River. Zion Ntl. Park
- yMysteryBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.29928
W -112.94447
Elev: 4,560 Feet
Bottom exit of Mystery Canyon where it meets the Virgin River Narrows after the 120 foot Rap 11.
- jRiverWalkEnd
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.29672
W -112.94818
Elev: 4,560 Feet
This is where the river walk side walk meets the river in The Narrows.
- tNarrowsBot
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.28535
W -112.94785
Elev: 4,440 Feet
Bottom trailhead for the Virgin River Narrows at the Temple of Sinawava.