Canyoneering Route Description
Woody Canyon - 4B II
Woodruff Canyon area, Utah.
09-17-11, 7 people, 1 Day (Travel time in route 5 hours) - Tippy top
full water level so no keeper potholes.

09-23-12, 9 people, 1 Day (Travel time in route 7.5 hours) - Long
time due to an Ankle injury during the route.
05-03-13, 4 people, 1 Day (Travel time in route 5.8 hours) - Pothole Fork route.
Time Required - 4 to 6 hours
Distance - 5.3 miles Total, 1.2 miles Technical
Rappels - 3 Rappels, Longest Rappel 15 feet for
Woody Canyon or 55 feet if doing the optional Pothole Fork.
Elevation Range - 4300 - 4840 Feet
Shuttle Required -Optional 0.9 Miles Vehicle - Passenger
Permit Required - No
Rappelling and anchor gear, Ropes and or pull cords for rappels up
to 15 feet. Also bring a few potshots, some webbing and
partners to assist with short drops and pothole escapes. Wet
suits are recommended except in hot weather.
If you are doing the Pothole
Fork of Woody Canyon you will
also need ropes for a rappel up
to 55 feet.
Information originally
came from the
Mini-Slot Guide to the Colorado Plateau.
Use a little creativity in getting down some of the drops here like
potshot or pack anchors or assisted down climbs. Please
refrain from adding bolts to this canyon. All the drops can be
overcome without the use of bolts.
Woody Canyon is a side drainage of Woodruff Canyon about a mile and
a half east of highway 276. Be prepared for escaping some
potholes and being creative with getting down a few short drops.
Woody Canyon alternates between sections of wide open easily
escapable wash and narrow pothole filled slots. When going down Woody be prepared for some
effort to get up out of a couple potholes. If the water is low
you will be faced with some pothole escapes.
On my first trip through Woody there had been a lot of recent rains
so the canyon was tippy top full. Woody Canyon is a fun playful
romp when full of water! There were a few challenging drops to
creatively get the group down but no keeper potholes or major
challenges. With Woody being completely full we not only missed the
keeper but also swam up to and climbed over the top of an arch that
was then under water. On a future visit we were able to see
Woody in slightly lower but not dry conditions and the character is
For an alternate approach to Woody you can use the approach to the
top of Woodsy Canyon then use map and compass to wander over to the
top of Woody. The route over to the top of Woody is not as
straight forward but does allow the canyon to be a loop route from
car to car.
The Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon is an optional route choice
visiting a short pothole filled side canyon a little over 500 feet
long. If you decide on the the optional Pothole Fork the route
will bypass a short section of Woody Canyon and you will skip one
rappel and the large keeper pothole in Woody Canyon. While
there is only one mandatory rap in the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon
there are other drops that require solid partner assist skills and
pack drag anchors to get down safely.
The potholes on our visit to the Pothole Fork were sand filled and
looked like they could become deep and much more difficult to exit
if scoured out. The water catchment area above the Pothole Fork is
not large making it unlikely that enough water flow will scour out
sand anytime soon. However it is possible and one should always have
a a couple potshots and on hand.
Either route choice will require a total of 3 rappels as you the
optional Pothole Fork route bypasses a rap in Woody Canyon but adds
a rappel in the Pothole Fork itself. Both routes are fun and
offer unique challenges making both worth the visit.
To get to the Trailhead
From the Junction of highway 95 and highway 276 (about 26 miles
south of Hanksville Utah) drive south on highway 276 for 13
miles to a turn out on the right (west) side of the road with a
sign large sign titled Mount Hillers where you will start the
route (pkMountHillers).
To leave the Exit Vehicle / Escape Pod
From the Junction of highway 95 and highway 276 (about 26 miles
south of Hanksville Utah) drive south on highway 276 for 11.8
miles to a turn out on the left (east) side of the road (pkWoody).
This turn out is about 0.2 miles north of mile marker 12 where a
dirt road labeled 13850 leaves the highway headed west.
Optionally you do not have to use a shuttle vehicle. You
can start from the start parking area leaving no exit vehicle.
After completing Woody Canyon and getting back up to the highway
where the exit vehicle would be, walk south on highway 276 for
about 0.9 miles back to the start of the route.
GPS coordinate information listed at the bottom. For information about waypoint naming and map symbols, refer to the
Glossary page.
Click the links for maps of the route.
Map of the entire route.
Map of the entire Pothole Fork option.
Zoomed in map of the Pothole Fork.
The Approach:
From the parking area (pkMountHillers) walk across the highway and
continue east into the desert. Walk across the desert and
route find your way east for about 0.6 miles to a gently sloped rim
(WoodyRP-01) with a view east over a small valley like area full of
light colored sandstone.
Once at the rim (WoodyRP-01) turn left (northeast) and follow along the top of
the rim as it curves around east. About 0.6 miles along the
rim to a spot where you could scramble down a slope to the southeast
to slickrock below (wWoodyRP-02).
Resist the urge to scramble down (WoodyRP-02) and instead stay up on
the dirt rim and continue following it east about 0.3 miles to a
saddle where you can look down the other (east) side down into the
Woody Canyon drainage.
From the saddle (WoodyRP-03) where you can look down the east side
into the Woody Canyon drainage, route find your way east about 0.25
miles down into Woody.
The Canyoneering / Technical Section:
Once in the drainage for Woody Canyon (yWoodyTp)
turn left and walk north down
stream scrambling around short drops or easily bypassed pools.
As you continue down canyon there will be multiple side drainages
joining in from both RDC and LDC.
A few hundred feet down canyon will be the start of the first narrow section (wWoodyRP-04)
about 200 feet long and has a few pools that can be about chest deep
when full of water. After the narrows is more open space for about
350 feet to the start of another narrow section and rap 1.
After the narrow section is more wide open spaces for about 350 feet
to the start of another narrow section with a drop into some
potholes just before it (dWoody-R1). The drop down to the
pothole is about 12 to 15 feet depending on how much sand / water is
in the hole. The first person can be let down the
Rap 1 (dWoody-R1) anchored using potshot or back drag anchor for
last person, drops about 15 feet to a pool below depending on sand
levels. The pool
at the bottom can be waist deep or a swimmer depending on sand
After rap 1 is a series of potholes in a narrow section about 200 feet
long. In this short narrows is a down climb of about 10 feet with a
nice pocket part way down on the RDC side to assist with getting down.
This short narrows also has a few potholes ranging from knee to chest
deep and a final two very deep potholes that can easily be bridged over.
About 400 feet farther down canyon is the start of another narrow
section (WoodyRP-05) that is about 350 feet long with nothing
technical. At the end of this narrow section is a pool that
can be a swimmer for a few feet if full of water.
After this narrows the canyon opens up (WoodyRP-06) to wide sandy
walking for about 500 feet to where the canyon makes a sharp left
and another narrows begins.
At the sharp left where the next narrows begins (jWoody-PHF) you can
choose to continue down Woody Canyon or exit the canyon on the LDC
side to go over to the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon.
To continue down Woody Canyon to the confluence of the
Pothole Fork
follow down the narrows about 450 feet to
rap 2. On the way down to rap 2 will be multiple down climbs of 4 to
8 feet, a pothole that will require a partner assist to escape if
empty, a small arch LDC that can be crawled through and shortly
after is rap 2.
Rap 2 (dWoody-R2) is anchored using a potshot or pack anchor and
drops about 12 feet. Optionally a large hook can be used as an
anchor in a pocket on the LDC wall about 5 feet back from the drop.
Just after rap 2 is a larger arch that can be climbed over if the
canyon is full of water or climbed under if the water levels are
low. If the canyon is full of water you may never notice this
larger arch as you swim up to then go over it like exiting the lip
of a pothole. After the larger arch the canyon stays narrow for a
short distance and offers a few swims (if full) before widening out
briefly. About 80 feet in the wider area is the large keeper
pothole (WoodyKeeper).
The large keeper (WoodyKeeper) if full is easily swam across and
climbed out of. If empty you will need to get creative to escape
the other side. About 200 feet farther is the start of another
From the start of this next narrows (WoodyRP-07) it is possible to
exit the canyon by climbing up the slope LDC just before this
narrows. The first portion of this narrows will have water only
waist deep if full before getting to a brief wide spot about 200
feet into the narrows to a brief wide spot.
The Brief wide spot (WoodyRP-08) in the narrow section has a slope
LDC that can be scrambled up for an escape of the canyon. From this
brief open spot it is about 80 down canyon to where the Pothole fork
of Woody Canyon drops in from the RDC side (yWoodyPHF-Bt).
To go over to and down the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon
leave the canyon on the RDC (northeast) side and route find your
way northeast about 150 feet to a large flat sandy area.
Once in the open sand area (Woody-PHF-01) follow the flat sandy area
northeast about 500 feet to where it ends and you are forced up on
When forced up on slickrock at the northeastern end of the sandy
area (Woody-PHF-02) continue north route finding your way about 330
feet over to the head of the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon (yWoodyPHF-Tp).
From the head of the Pothole Fork drop down to the west and easily
make your way over or around small and sometimes deep potholes as
About 100 feet down canyon is the top of the 6th pothole
(Woody-PHF-03) and a drop of about 7 feet that can be partner
About 80 feet down canyon is the top of the 10th pothole
(Woody-PHF-04) with a drop of about 9 feet that can be partner
About 60 feet down canyon is the top of the 11th pothole which is
stemmed / bridged over. Over the next 130 feet are potholes 12
thru 16 before reaching a small arch in the canyon floor.
12 is small and easy to cross.
Pothole 13 had a short drop into
it and was large and sand filled so easy to get out of.
pothole 13 gets scoured out may require a potshot toss of about 25
feet to set and exit rope.
Pothole 14 no info but was easy.
Pothole 15 had a 10 to 12 foot overhung entry where a pack drag
anchor works well with an easy walk out.
Pothole 16 had a 12 to
15 foot overhung entry with a slightly more difficult pack drag
If potholes 15 and or 16 get scoured out both could
potentially become deep as the were large and sand filled.
after pothole 16 is an arch you can crawl through at ground level
about 2 feet wide then a short walk to next pothole.
Shortly after the small arch that can be crawled under for fun is
the small, shallow, elongated pothole 17. Then easy travel for
about 90 feet to pothole 18.
Pothole 18 (Woody-PHF-07) is huge and right at a side ravine
on the RDC (north) side with an entry drop of about 15 feet that
slowly rolls to vertical. If sand levels are high enough the entry
drop in can be partner assisted but a pack drag anchor may also be a
good idea. The exit from pothole 18 was about 10 feet with the sand
levels we had and does require a potshot toss to get up out of. A 40
foot rope will be needed to make the toss over the down canyon side
before entering the pothole.
Pothole 19 on the other side of pothole 18 is small and had an entry
drop of about 6 to 8 feet which is easily partner assisted and an
exit of about 4 feet to the lip and rap rap 1.
Rap 1 in the Pothole Fork (Woody-PHF-R1) is anchored using rocks
down in the last small pothole and uses about 55 feet or rope from
anchor in pothole to bottom of rap. If there are no rocks in the
pothole, send someone down on a meat anchor and haul rocks up from
the bottom. From the bottom of rap 1 walk a few feet to the
confluence of Woody and Woody Pothole Fork (yWoodyPHF-Bt).
From where the two routes rejoin (confluence of Woody and
Woody Pothole Fork)
continue about 250 feet north down
Woody Canyon to rap 3.
Rap 3 (dWoody-R3).
Anchored using a potshot or pack anchor and drops about 10 feet into
a large chamber with rock fall debris. Use a potshot or back pack as
an anchor. Rap 3 can be downclimbed so you could have your better
downclimber provide a meat anchor and downclimb last.
Scramble down canyon over the rock fall debris as the canyon
gradually gets wider. About 260 feet down canyon is an obvious
drainage dropping down the wall on the LDC side and the canyon is
now a large sandy wash getting wider and wider (wWoodyRP-09).
As the canyon widens you will be able to stay along the LDC (west)
wall walking a vegetated sand area instead of following the main
wash. Stay along the sandy area roughly following the LDC wall about
800 feet. This cuts off a little distance on the exit. As you get closer to Woodruff climb up over sand banks
and walk toward the LDC (west) wall of Woody. As you approach
Woodruff Canyon hug the left (west) wall of Woody and drop down the sand
slope right next to the sandstone wall down into Woodruff Canyon
The Exit:
After dropping down into Woodruff Canyon (yWoodyBt), turn left
(west) and start walking upstream in Woodruff. About 5
or 600 feet up canyon in Woodruff you may notice some cow trails
running up the banks on the left (south). These cow trails can
be used to access the top of Woody Canyon if you decided to begin
your route by walking down Woodruff from the road to start the
route. The route from here up to the head of Woody is a bit
convoluted as it winds around the slick rock domes.
About 0.5 miles up Woodruff is narrow slot on the left (south) side
which is the bottom exit of Woodsy Canyon (yWoodsyBt).
About 0.2 miles will be a slot coming in from the left (south) which
will be the bottom of Wood Bee Canyon (yWoodBeeBt).
About 0.35 miles up
Woodruff will be a small
slot on the right
(north) side of the
canyon (wWoodyRP-10).
About 0.3 miles farther
will be a large fork of
Woodruff (jWoodruff-01).
At this large fork veer
right and travel
northwest up the right
About 0.7 miles farther
will be the road and
spot you parked the car
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Waypoint naming convention and map symbol information can be found on the Glossary page.
Elevations are approximate.
manually entering coordinates set your system to WGS84 datum and Lat/Lon hddd.ddddd° coordinate format.
Inconsistent datum's and coordinate formats will result in location errors.
Click to show / expand the list of waypoints below........
Woody (1) - Approach |
- pkMountHillers
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85042
W -110.57937
Elev: 4,655 Feet
Turn out for a scenic look over to Mount Hillers and where you start the route for Woody or Redemption Canyons. Walk across the highway and continue east into the desert and route find your way east for about 0.6 miles to a gently sloped rim with a view east over a small valley like area.
- WoodyRP-01
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.84849
W -110.56830
Elev: 4,770 Feet
Route comes to a gently sloped rim with a view to the east over a small valley like area full of light colored sandstone.
To continue to Woody Canyon turn left (northeast) and follow along the top of the rim as it curves around east.
To continue to Redemption Canyon continue east down into the sandstone valley about 800 feet to a shallow draiange running southeast down into Swett Creek.
- WoodyRP-02
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85202
W -110.56001
Elev: 4,765 Feet
A spot where you could scramble down a slope to the southeast down to slickrock below which is an alternate and longer route into Woody. Stay up on the dirt rim and continue following it east about 0.3 miles to a saddle where you can look down the other (east) side down into the Woody Canyon drainage.
- WoodyRP-03
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85217
W -110.55476
Elev: NaN Feet
Saddle where you can look down the east side into the Woody Canyon drainage. Route find your way east about 0.25 miles down into Woody.
- yWoodyTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85331
W -110.55024
Elev: NaN Feet
Top entry of Woody Canyon. Depending on your route, this is one of a few spots you will drop down into the Woody Canyon Draiange. Turn left and continue north down canyon a few hundred feet to the start of a narrow section and going over short drops or around pools along the way.
Woody (2) - Canyon Down to PHF Junction |
- yWoodyTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85331
W -110.55024
Elev: NaN Feet
Top entry of Woody Canyon. Depending on your route, this is one of a few spots you will drop down into the Woody Canyon Draiange. Turn left and continue north down canyon a few hundred feet to the start of a narrow section and going over short drops or around pools along the way.
- WoodyRP-04
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85485
W -110.54810
Elev: 4,540 Feet
Start of the first narrow section about 200 feet long and has a few pools that can be about chest deep when full of water.
After the narrows is more open space for about 350 feet to the start of another narrow section and rap 1.
- dWoody-R1
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85633
W -110.54790
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 1 - Woody Canyon. Anchored using potshot or back drag anchor for last person, drops about 15 feet to a pool below depending on sand levels. The pool at the bottom can be waist deep or a swimmer depending on sand levels.
After rap 1 is a series of potholes in a narrow section about 200 feet long. In this short narrows is a down climb of about 10 feet with a nice pocket part way down on the RDC side to assist with getting down. This short narrows also has a few potholes ranging from knee to chest deep and a final two very deep potholes that can easily be bridged over. The canyon then widens out for about 400 feet to the start of the next narrows.
- WoodyRP-05
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85770
W -110.54687
Elev: NaN Feet
Start of another narrow section about 350 feet long with nothing technical. At the end of this narrow section is a pool that can be a swimmer for a few feet if full of water.
After this narrows the canyon opens up to wide sandy walking for about 500 feet to where the canyon makes a sharp left and another narrows begins.
- jWoody-PHF
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85983
W -110.54689
Elev: NaN Feet
The canyon makes a sharp left turn at the start of a narrows. From here you can choose to continue down Woody Canyon or exit the canyon on the LDC side to go over to the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon.
To continue down Woody Canyon to teh confluence of the Pothole Fork, follow down the narrows about 450 feet to rap 2. On the way down to rap 2 will be multiple down climbs of 4 to 8 feet, a pothole that will require a partner assist to escape if empty, a small arch LDC that can be crawled through and shortly after is rap 2.
To go to the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon leave the canyon on the RDC (northeast) side and route find your way northeast about 150 feet to a large flat sandy area.
Woody (3) - Woody Pothole Fork Route |
- jWoody-PHF
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85983
W -110.54689
Elev: NaN Feet
The canyon makes a sharp left turn at the start of a narrows. From here you can choose to continue down Woody Canyon or exit the canyon on the LDC side to go over to the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon.
To continue down Woody Canyon to teh confluence of the Pothole Fork, follow down the narrows about 450 feet to rap 2. On the way down to rap 2 will be multiple down climbs of 4 to 8 feet, a pothole that will require a partner assist to escape if empty, a small arch LDC that can be crawled through and shortly after is rap 2.
To go to the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon leave the canyon on the RDC (northeast) side and route find your way northeast about 150 feet to a large flat sandy area.
- Woody-PHF-02
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86113
W -110.54559
Elev: NaN Feet
Northeastern end of a large sandy area. Continue north route finding your way about 330 feet over to the head of the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon.
- yWoodyPHF-Tp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86194
W -110.54555
Elev: 4,402 Feet
Top of the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon where potholes start dropping down to the west. Easily make your way over or around small and sometimes deep potholes as needed.
- Woody-PHF-03
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86190
W -110.54583
Elev: NaN Feet
Top of the 6th pothole and a drop of about 7 feet that can be partner assisted.
- Woody-PHF-04
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86205
W -110.54603
Elev: NaN Feet
Top of the 10th pothole with a drop of about 9 feet that can be partner assisted.
- Woody-PHF-05
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86217
W -110.54618
Elev: NaN Feet
Top of the 11th pothole which is stemmed / bridged over.
Over the next 130 feet are potholes 12 thru 16 before reaching a small arch in the canyon floor.
Pothole 12 is small and easy to cross.
Pothole 13 had a short drop into it and was large and sand filled so easy to get out of.
If pothole 13 gets scoured out may require a potshot toss of about 25 feet to set and exit rope.
Pothole 14 no info but was easy.
Pothole 15 had a 10 to 12 foot overhung entry where a pack drag anchor works well with an easy walk out.
Pothole 16 had a 12 to 15 foot overhung entry with a slightly more difficult pack drag anchor.
If potholes 15 and or 16 get scoured out both could potentially become deep as the were large and sand filled.
Just after pothole 16 is an arch you can crawl through at ground level about 2 feet wide then a short walk to next pothole.
- Woody-PHF-06
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86227
W -110.54665
Elev: NaN Feet
Small arch in the canyon floor about 2 feet wide that can be crawled through for fun. This is just after pothole 16. Shortly after is the small, shallow, elongated pothole 17. Then easy travel for about 90 feet to pothole 18.
- Woody-PHF-07
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86215
W -110.54695
Elev: NaN Feet
Top of the 18th pothole. Pothole 18 is huge and right at a side ravine on the RDC (north) side with an entry drop of about 15 feet that slowly rolls to vertical. If sand levels are high enough the entry drop in can be partner assisted but a pack drag anchor may also be a good idea. The exit from pothole 18 was about 10 feet with the sand levels we had and does require a potshot toss to get up out of. A 40 foot rope will be needed to make the toss over the down canyon side before entering the pothole.
Pothole 19 on the other side of pothole 18 is small and had an entry drop of about 6 to 8 feet which is easily partner assisted and an exit of about 4 feet to the lip and rap rap 1.
- Woody-PHF-R1
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86210
W -110.54704
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 1 - Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon. Anchored using rocks down in the last small pothole and uses about 55 feet or rope from anchor in pothole to bottom of rap. If there are no rocks in the pothole, send someone down on a meat anchor and haul rocks up from the bottom. From the bottom of rap 1 walk a few feet to the confluence of Woody and Woody Pothole Fork.
- yWoodyPHF-Bt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86207
W -110.54709
Elev: NaN Feet
Bottom of the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon droping in from the RDC ( east) side. Continue about 250 feet north down Woody Canyon to rap 3.
Woody (4) - Canyon (PHF Junction thru Woody to Pothole Confluence |
- jWoody-PHF
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.85983
W -110.54689
Elev: NaN Feet
The canyon makes a sharp left turn at the start of a narrows. From here you can choose to continue down Woody Canyon or exit the canyon on the LDC side to go over to the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon.
To continue down Woody Canyon to teh confluence of the Pothole Fork, follow down the narrows about 450 feet to rap 2. On the way down to rap 2 will be multiple down climbs of 4 to 8 feet, a pothole that will require a partner assist to escape if empty, a small arch LDC that can be crawled through and shortly after is rap 2.
To go to the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon leave the canyon on the RDC (northeast) side and route find your way northeast about 150 feet to a large flat sandy area.
- dWoody-R2
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86056
W -110.54729
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 2 - Woody Canyon. is anchored ising a potshot or pack anchor and drops about 12 feet. Optionally a large hook can be used as an anchor in a pocket on the LDC wall about 5 feet back from the drop.
Just after rap 2 is a larger arch that can be climbed over if the canyon is full of water or climbed under if the water levels are low. If the canyon is full of water you may never notice this larger arch as you swim up to then go over it like exiting the lip of a pothole. After the larger arch the canyon stays narrow for a short distance and offers a few swims (if full) before widening out briefly. About 80 feet in the wider area is the large keeper pothole.
- WoodyKeeper
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86094
W -110.54731
Elev: NaN Feet
Large keeper pothole in Woody Canyon. If full the keeper is easily swam across and climbed out of. If empty you will need to get creative to escape the other side. About 200 feet farther is the start of another narrows.
- WoodyRP-07
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86135
W -110.54706
Elev: NaN Feet
Start of another narrows where it is possible to exit the canyon by climbing up the slope LDC just before this narrows. The first portion of this narrows will have water only waist deep if full before getting to a brief wide spot about 200 feet into the narrows.
- WoodyRP-08
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86190
W -110.54718
Elev: NaN Feet
Brief wide spot in the narrow section with a slope LDC that can be scrambled up for an escape of the canyon. From this brief open spot it is about 80 down canyon to where the Pothole fork of Woody Canyon drops in from the RDC side.
- yWoodyPHF-Bt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86207
W -110.54709
Elev: NaN Feet
Bottom of the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon droping in from the RDC ( east) side. Continue about 250 feet north down Woody Canyon to rap 3.
Woody (5) - Canyon froom PHF Confluence to End |
- yWoodyPHF-Bt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86207
W -110.54709
Elev: NaN Feet
Bottom of the Pothole Fork of Woody Canyon droping in from the RDC ( east) side. Continue about 250 feet north down Woody Canyon to rap 3.
- dWoody-R3
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86262
W -110.54740
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 3 - Woody Canyon. Anchored using a potshot or pack anchor and drops about 10 feet into a large chamber with rock fall debris. Use a potshot or back pack as an anchor. Rap 3 can be downclimbed so you could have your better downclimber provide a meat anchor and downclimb last.
Scramble down canyon over the rock fall debris as the canyon gradually gets wider. About 260 feet down canyon is an obvious drainage dropping down the wall on the LDC side where the canyon is becomes a large sandy wash getting wider and wider.
- WoodyRP-09
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86316
W -110.54787
Elev: NaN Feet
Obvious large drainage dropping down the LDC wall where the canyon is becomes a large sandy wash getting wider and wider. As the canyon widens you will be able to stay along the LDC (west) wall walking a vegetated sand area instead of following the main wash. Stay along the sandy area roughly following the LDC wall about 800 feet. As you get closer to Woodruff climb up over sand banks and walk toward the LDC (west) wall of Woody. As you approach Woodruff Canyon hug the left (west) wall of Woody and drop down the sand slope right next to the sandstone wall down into Woodruff Canyon (yWoodyBt). This cuts off a little distance on the exit.
- yWoodyBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86668
W -110.54864
Elev: 4,300 Feet
Bottom exit of Woody Canyon where it dumps into Woodruff Canyon. This is at the bottom of a chute down the sand on the LDC side of Woody.
Woody (6) - Exit |
- yWoodyBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86668
W -110.54864
Elev: 4,300 Feet
Bottom exit of Woody Canyon where it dumps into Woodruff Canyon. This is at the bottom of a chute down the sand on the LDC side of Woody.
- jWoodsyApr
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86557
W -110.55100
Elev: NaN Feet
Start of a use trail up a sandy bank on the south side of the Woodruff drainage. This use trail is the way to start up to Woodsy Canyon.
- yWoodsyBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86428
W -110.55622
Elev: 4,320 Feet
Bottom exit of Woodsy Canyon where it drops down into Woodruff Canyon.
- yWoodBeeBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86333
W -110.55848
Elev: 4,340 Feet
Bottom of Wood Bee Canyon. This is shortly after where the canyon widens out and the walls drop leaving you in the main drainage of Woodruff.
- wWoodyRP-10
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86310
W -110.56323
Elev: NaN Feet
Small slot on the north wall.
- jWoodruff-01
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86347
W -110.56751
Elev: 4,390 Feet
A fork in Woodruff Canyon. If exiting west to the road stay in the left (northwest) fork and follow it to the road. If following the approach for Wood Bee or Woodsy Canyons, start up the slick rock slope to the southeast).
- pkWoodruff
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 37.86593
W -110.57825
Elev: 4,540 Feet
Park for some of the Woodruff routes. This is a turn out on the east side of the road about 0.2 miles north of mile marker 12.