Canyoneering Route Description
Shenanigans Canyon - 3A(B) III
North Wash, Utah.
05-01-10, 4 people, 1 Day (Travel time in route 8 hours) used the Kelsey exit.

05-21-11, 4 people, 1 Day (Travel time in route 8.5 hours) used the Kelsey exit.

10-20-12, 4 people, 1 Day (Travel time in route 6.25 hours) used the Kelsey exit.

11-30-14, 4 people, 1 Day (Travel time in route 6.5 hours) used
Kelsey exit
Time Required - 7 to 9 hours
Distance - 4.5 miles Total, 1.6 miles Technical
Rappels - 3 Rappels, Longest Rappel 50 feet.
Elevation Range - 5440 - 4520 Feet
Shuttle Required -Yes 1.8 Miles Vehicle - Passenger
Permit Required - No
The gear choices for a skinny slot are very different than what is
normally taken in a canyon with lots of elbow room. With Skinny
slots you need to think small – minimal – and maybe even disposable
where clothing is concerned.
Rappelling and anchor gear, ropes and or pull cords for rappels up
to 50 feet and 50 feet of 1†webbing for sling replacement.
Although there is a pool at the bottom of rap 3 and you may end up
falling in. A wet suit is not needed unless it is pretty cold out.
The swim is short (if you happen to fall in) and there is plenty of
open canyon after the rap to catch some sun to warm up.
Before going into this canyon, please take a moment to look at the
warning page for skinny canyons.
Shenanigans is one of the forks of Butler Canyon. Butler canyon is
also referred to as Mile 28.1 Canyon.
The distance between entry and exit vehicles is a little less than 2
miles of dirt road. Shenanigans could easily be done as a loop hike
if only one vehicle were available.
The A(B) water rating is due to there being water at the bottom of
the last rap where you could swim but a wet suit may not be needed
except in cold weather since it is a quick one and done swim.
If you are claustrophobic this canyon is not a good choice. The
Fourth Narrows is very narrow and tight. There are times when
turning your head to look back is impossible. You may need to let
air out of your lungs to get you chest cavity to shrink so you can
fit through portions of the forth narrows. This canyon is not for
you if you are too large. It is difficult to give an exact way of
telling if you are too large or not. Read the note on skinny
canyons to get a better idea. It is a good idea to do the Middle
Fork of Leprechaun Canyon before doing Shenanigans. Both canyons
are similar in tightness but Middle Leprechaun does not sustain the tight
for as long making it a good test run.
The narrowest section is only about 10 inches wide on average and
has sections closer to 7 inches wide. The canyon maintains this
width for about 40 feet up and continues for almost 200 feet long. If
you are claustrophobic, this canyon is also not for you! This
section is what all the warnings are about.
At the time I first went through Shenanigans I was about 180 lbs., 6
foot even and considered a medium build. A friend on the trip with
us was about the same overall size and shape. Turns out he is a bit
more barrel chested than I am. I was able to slide and squeeze
through with relative ease. On the other hand my friend was able to
get through but he had to work harder to squeeze through and needed
to climb up and go low in sections to find a spot that would
accommodate him. So simply being about 180 pounds and height weight
proportionate only gives an approximate starting point for being
able to fit through Shenanigans.
This route description covers Shenanigans using the Kelsey exit out
which bypasses the long lower non-technical portion of Butler
To get to the Trailhead
From the junction of highway 95 and highway 276 (about 25.5
miles south of Hanksville), drive north on highway 95 about 0.7
miles to a dirt road turn off (extCedarPntRd). The dirt road is
called Cedar Point Road on some maps and is known by some as
Turkey Knob Road. Cedar Point road is graded making it passable
for passenger cars although heavy rains might change that from
time to time. Turn right (east) onto Cedar Point Road.
Drive east on the main Cedar Point Road passing a few small less
traveled side roads. About 3.9 miles from highway 95 is a junction
known to some as “The Four Way†(extTheFourWay).
From “The Four Wayâ€, continue north east on Cedar Point Road
about 1.5 miles to a junction where another dirt road crosses (pkShenaniganTp).
There is a lot of space here to park your vehicle to start the
To leave the Exit Vehicle / Escape Pod
From the "The Four Way†mentioned in the drive to trailhead
section (extTheFourWay), turn right (south) onto another dirt road
(not as well maintained) and drive about 0.3 miles to a flat
spot to park (pkNoKidding1). If your vehicle is not able to get
down this short road to get to the parking spot you can
optionally park back at “The Four Wayâ€. If you have a high
clearance vehicle, you can drive another
700 feet to another parking spot (pkNoKidding2).
GPS coordinate information listed at the bottom. For information about waypoint naming and map symbols, refer to the
Glossary page.
Click the links for maps of the route.
Map of the drive into the route.
Map of the entire route.
The Approach:
From where you parked to start the route (pkShenaniganTp), walk
east an old sandy road. The road starts out hard
packed dirt and quickly becomes a deep soft sandy mess. Best
to walk this and not drive.
About 0.3 miles the road crosses a wide open wash
(jMonkeyBAlt) which is the upper wash of Monkey Business. To
continue to Shenanigans or Foolin Around, continue east along the
sandy road.
Another 0.4 miles farther the road crosses
another major wash which is the top of Shenanigans. Turn right
and leave the road (jShenany) about 250 feet before crossing the
wash and walk (south) and following a few
micro drainages as they wander about 0.2 miles down to the main wash
of Shenanigans.
The Canyon / Technical Section:
Once down in the main wash for Shenanigans you will find a drop in
the wash of about 20 feet (yShenanigansTp) which is bypassed around
LDC. Follow the ledge along the left (south east) side of the
About 400 feet farther is another drop in the wash which is also
bypassed on the LDC (southeast) side. Just after getting back
to the canyon floor is the start of a tight slot and the first rap.
Rap 1 (dShenanyR1) is anchored from a
large rock and drops about 50 feet
down a sloped fluted pour off into a narrows. Keep your eye
out for a large choke stone wedged over head part way down the
Optionally skilled downclimbers sometimes
downclimb this rappel which looks more intimidating than it actually
is but is easier for taller people.
Another option is to bypass
this rappel using steeply sloped slickrock to the LDC side that are
often covered with sand making it difficult to be safe.
Down canyon of rap 1 is the
first section of narrows about 0.3 miles long with a mix of easy
walking, tighter sections with easy galumphing and a few easy down climbs. There
is nothing overly
tight in this first narrows. Just before reaching the end of
the first narrows is a large
boulder wedged between the walls with a hole underneath where you
can slip through.
After the end of first narrows
(wShenanyRP-01) narrows is a very short open section of about 100
feet to the start of the second narrows. The second narrows is
short, only 100 feet long, with low walls that make you wonder if it
actually is a second narrows. Then a short open area of about
150 feet to the third narrows.
From the start (wShenanyRP-02) the 0.4 mile long third narrows is a little tighter
with a mix of walking, easy galumphing and a few easy elevator style
downclimbs where friction of body parts on the walls helps with a
controlled slide down. Sliding down between walls is often
referred to as an elevator which tends to tear up clothes and pads
but is oh so fun! Also in the third narrows is a right slanted section where the
slanted walls make it impossible to stand upright making walking
awkward. Using hands or shoulders to bounce your upper body
along the wall as you walk with your feet.
Shortly after the slant section, the
canyon widens a little where you can either stay low and squeeze
between the walls or can go a little higher and stem your way
down canyon.
the third narrows ends (wShenanyRP-03) the walls drop to about 5 or
6 feet high as you still walk a narrow section about 300 feet long
to the start of the fourth narrows. The walls between the
bottom of the third narrows and the top of the fourth narrows stay
narrow but are about 5 or 6 feet for about 300 feet long. A
good lunch spot is to scramble up the 5 foot LDC wall and walk a
large ledge over to a large alcove (AlcoveShenany) providing good
shade most of the day.
From the start of the fourth narrows (wShenanyRP-04) the walls get
higher and down canyon has long sections of that very tight canyon.
Large canyoneers will likely have problems here. Some of the
early portions of the fourth narrows are too skinny and require you
to stem up a few feet to continue stemming down canyon. This
first part also has twisted sculpted walls and a few easy downclimbs
making it feel more like a labyrinth. The next rap is about
300 feet into the fourth narrows.
If you decide you do not
want to continue into the fourth narrows now is the time to back
out. I do not know the route out from here but the most obvious place out would be up the left
(east) side of the canyon then once at the top route find north back
toward the head of the canyon. Larger canyoneers have been
known to travel over the top of this fourth narrows by stemming up a
long way to go over it. I also do not know this route and can
only say it is an option but will be risky for those not skilled in
Rap 2 (dShenanyR2) has no obvious anchor, drops about 40 feet but is
usually bypassed via Grimm Crawl. If anyone prefers to rappel, one
person can provide a meat anchor then bypass the using the Grim
Crawl. Most groups send everyone around the rap using the Grim
Crawl as it is a fantastic feature in a deep committed portion of
canyon. Well worth the price of entry.
The Grimm Crawl is a
slightly slanted shelf RDC with a low ceiling. Crawling along
the ledge to bypass rap 2 grabs your attention because
it feels like you might roll off the 40 foot drop. The low ceiling
is too low to allow a standard hands and knees crawl making it
necessary army crawl or slither jamming an arm in the crack
as extra friction. A short distance into the crawl it gets
much easier all the way to the other end. Once at the other end of the
Grim Crawl, go into the main canyon again with an easy back to feet
stemming position. Then down climb by
stemming between the walls and working about 45 feet down to the
canyon floor going over and around multiple chock stones on the way
down. Be careful and keep an eye on what is below you and
avoid spots that bell out too wide.
The next couple hundred feet after the Grim Crawl, the canyon stays narrow,
has more twisted walls and provides a few more down
climbs before getting to the narrowest section in the canyon.
The narrowest section is only about 10 inches wide on average and
has sections closer to 7 inches wide. The canyon maintains this
width for about 40 feet up and continues for almost 200 feet long. If
you are claustrophobic, this canyon is also not for you! This
section is what all the warnings are about.
Rock fall debris (wShenanyRP-05) after the narrowest portion spits
you out and the start of more tight stuff but you have the option to
squeeze along the bottom or stem up about 10 feet to wider walls and
stem down canyon. Going high requires more energy but is faster
Rap 3 is about 600 feet down canyon of the rock fall
Just before reaching rap 3 are a couple of 50
foot drops where some people have placed webbing to rappel or use as
handlines. These drops can easily be stemmed down using back
to feet against the walls. Or you
can take the FUN way and treat these drops like and elevator. Wedge
yourself between the walls facing down canyon using hips, knees
spread, shoulder or elbows. Then relax the tension a little to
start the slide and start the elevator……weeeee.
Rap 3 (dShenanyR3) anchored from a choke
about 12 feet overhead and drops about 50 feet from
the anchor to a pool below. You will need to stem up 10 feet
to get to the anchor. The pool below rap 3 will be a swimmer
unless you can walk the series of very small ledges just below the
water surface on the LDC side. This can be tricky but rewards
those who succeed with staying dry all but their feet. If you slip
off you will be going for a full on swim. The first step of the ledge is about 5 feet out along
the wall and is a bit of a stretch.
Down canyon of rap 3 the canyon opens up to mostly easy wash walking
along a very scenic canyon.
About 0.3 miles down canyon of rap 3 is a side canyon that joins
from right (west) which is where the Monkey Business route joins in
The Exit:
From the Confluence of Shenanigans and Monkey Business
(yShnanyMonkyBt) continue about another 0.6 miles down to where the Foolin Around route joins in
from the left / east
About 0.3 miles farther is another smaller side canyon
joining in from the right (west) and is the Kelsey Exit out of
Butler Canyon after doing the Monkey Business, Shenanigans or Foolin
Around routes (jKlsyExtShnany). To exit out of Butler Canyon,
turn right (west) and walk northwest up this side canyon.
About 400 feet up the canyon another canyon
drops in from the right (north east) and is the bottom of the No
Kidding route (yNoKiddingBt). Pass by the bottom of No Kidding
and continue up westi-sh up the wash.
About 450 feet farther the climb gets significantly steeper
(wShnanyKelRP-1). Continue up the steep section above by going
up the wider ravine to the right and do not go up the this slot on
the left. Continuing up is a mix of scrambling up rock
sections and trudging up steep loose dirt.
About 300 feet farther is a soft sandy section (KelsyButlr2) running along the left (south)
side of the ravine and the ravine above looks like it begins to get
a lot more difficult. From the top of the sandy area, turn
right (north)
and cross over to a chute that
provides a much easier climb up. Scramble up the chute about 100
feet to find an easy traverse to the right (north) side of the
ravine (KelsyButlr3).
At the easy traverse (KelsyButlr3), traverse right (north) and route
find to a wide open slick rock area running north east along the
base of a cliff face.
Walk north east about 275 feet on slick rock to a series of
small potholes, cross over those small potholes and walk another 175
feet to a deeper drainage with deeper potholes which is the
drainage for No Kidding.
Once on the rim of the No Kidding drainage (KelsyButlr4), turn left
and scramble west up fairly steep for about 300 feet to a top out.
From the top out (KelsyButlr5) where the climb levels out, veer slight right
(north west) and follow up the gently sloped ridge to dirt then walk
an open dirt area about 400 feet to another
short slick rock slope then scramble north up the slope.
From the top of the slickrock slope (KelsyButlr6) the exit vehicles
can be seen across the open desert about 0.5 miles to the northwest.
Route find rolling desert northwest toward the exit vehicles parked on the dirt
road (pkNoKidding). There will be a few ups and downs in shallow gullies along
the way.
Downloadable GPX files
available at
BG-Gear Store
(easier than manual entry and a great way to support
Waypoint naming convention and map symbol information can be found on the Glossary page.
Elevations are approximate.
manually entering coordinates set your system to WGS84 datum and Lat/Lon hddd.ddddd° coordinate format.
Inconsistent datum's and coordinate formats will result in location errors.
Click to show / expand the list of waypoints below........
Shenanigans (1) - Drive in to Trailhead - (and drop exit vehicle) |
- extCedarPntRd
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.03375
W -110.57510
Elev: 4,690 Feet
Exit for Cedar Point Road. Some refer to it as Turkey Knob Road since it is not singed and is near Turkey Knob.
- wCdrPntDP-01
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04365
W -110.54989
Elev: NaN Feet
Small road spur leaves Cedar Point Road to the south.
- wCdrPntDP-02
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04506
W -110.54855
Elev: 5,020 Feet
Dirt road leaves Cedar Point road to the north.
- wCdrPntDP-03
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.05152
W -110.53746
Elev: NaN Feet
Dirt road leaves Cedar Point road to the south.
- extTheFourWay
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04852
W -110.51810
Elev: 5,272 Feet
A spot where roads cross Cedar Point Road. This spot is known to some as "The Four Way"
- pkNoKidding1
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04433
W -110.51793
Elev: 5,225 Feet
A wide area to the left side of the dirt road that can be used as parking when doing canyons in the area. This is where you would start and end for the No Kidding Route. It is also where you park if using the Kelsey exit for any of the Butler Canyons like Shenanigans.
- pkShenaniganTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.06441
W -110.50026
Elev: 5,440 Feet
A spot where a road crosses Cedar Point Road. Park here to start the route into Shenanigans or Foolin Around. To go to Shenanigans or Foolin Around walk east on an old sandy road. The road starts out hard packed dirt and quickly becomes a deep soft sandy mess. Best to walk this and not drive.
Shenanigans (2) - Approach and The Canyon. |
- pkShenaniganTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.06441
W -110.50026
Elev: 5,440 Feet
A spot where a road crosses Cedar Point Road. Park here to start the route into Shenanigans or Foolin Around. To go to Shenanigans or Foolin Around walk east on an old sandy road. The road starts out hard packed dirt and quickly becomes a deep soft sandy mess. Best to walk this and not drive.
- jMonkeyBAlt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.06426
W -110.49511
Elev: 5,305 Feet
An alternate entry option for the Monkey Business route. To continue to Shenanigans or Foolin Around, continue east along the sandy road. To go to Monkey Business, leave the road to the right (south) where it crosses a wide drainage where there is an old dried up cattle pond.
- jShenany
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.06393
W -110.48779
Elev: 5,430 Feet
Junction for the Shenanigans route. Turn right and leave the road (jShenany) about 250 feet before crossing the wash and walk (south) and following a few micro drainages as they wander about 0.2 miles down to the main wash of Shenanigans.
To continue to Foolin Around, continue east on the sandy road.
- yShenanigansTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.06137
W -110.48733
Elev: 5,370 Feet
Top entry for Shenanigans Canyon and a drop in the wash of about 20 feet which is bypassed around LDC. Follow the ledge along the left (south east) side of the drainage. About 400 feet farther is another drop in the wash which is also bypassed on the LDC (southeast) side. Just after getting back to the canyon floor is the start of a tight slot and the first rap.
- dShenanyR1
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.06051
W -110.48873
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 1 - Shenanigans. anchored from a large rock and drops about 50 feet down a sloped fluted pour off into a narrows. Keep your eye out for a large choke stone wedged over head part way down the rappel.
Note: Optionally skilled downclimbers sometimes downclimb this rappel which looks more intimidating than it actually is but is easier for taller people.
Another option is to bypass this rappel using steeply sloped slickrock to the LDC side that are often covered with sand making it difficult to be safe.
Down canyon of rap 1 is the first section of narrows about 0.3 miles long with a mix of easy walking, tighter sections with easy galumphing and a few easy down climbs. There is nothing overly tight in this first narrows. Just before reaching the end of the first narrows is a large boulder wedged between the walls with a hole underneath where you can slip through.
- wShenanyRP-01
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.05676
W -110.49204
Elev: NaN Feet
End of the first narrows with a very short open section of about 100 feet to the start of the second narrows. The second narrows is short, only 100 feet long, with low walls that make you wonder if it actually is a second narrows. Then a short open area of about 150 feet to the third narrows.
- wShenanyRP-02
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.05601
W -110.49245
Elev: 5,060 Feet
Start of the 0.4 mile long third narrows is a little tighter with a mix of walking, easy galumphing and a few easy elevator style downclimbs where friction of body parts on the walls helps with a controlled slide down. Sliding down between walls is often referred to as an elevator which tends to tear up clothes and pads but is oh so fun! Also in the third narrows is a right slanted section where the slanted walls make it impossible to stand upright making walking awkward. Using hands or shoulders to bounce your upper body along the wall as you walk with your feet. Shortly after the slant section, the canyon widens a little where you can either stay low and squeeze between the walls or can go a little higher and stem your way down canyon.
- wShenanyRP-03
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.05106
W -110.49618
Elev: NaN Feet
As the third narrows endsthe walls drop to about 5 or 6 feet high as you still walk a narrow section about 300 feet long to the start of the fourth narrows. The walls between the bottom of the third narrows and the top of the fourth narrows stay narrow but are about 5 or 6 feet for about 300 feet long. A good lunch spot is to scramble up the 5 foot LDC wall and walk a large ledge over to a large alcove providing good shade most of the day.
- sAlcoveShenany
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.05048
W -110.49597
Elev: NaN Feet
An alcove LDC after the third narrows that makes a good lunch break.
- wShenanyRP-04
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.05032
W -110.49652
Elev: 4,900 Feet
From the start of the fourth narrows the walls get higher and down canyon has long sections of that very tight canyon. Large canyoneers will likely have problems here. Some of the early portions of the fourth narrows are too skinny and require you to stem up a few feet to continue stemming down canyon. This first part also has twisted sculpted walls and a few easy downclimbs making it feel more like a labyrinth. The next rap is about 300 feet into the fourth narrows.
If you decide you do not want to continue into the fourth narrows now is the time to back out. I do not know the route out from here but the most obvious place out would be up the left (east) side of the canyon then once at the top route find north back toward the head of the canyon. Larger canyoneers have been known to travel over the top of this fourth narrows by stemming up a long way to go over it. I also do not know this route and can only say it is an option but will be risky for those not skilled in stemming.
- dShenanyR2
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04956
W -110.49688
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 2 - Shenanigans. Has no obvious anchor, drops about 40 feet but is usually bypassed via Grimm Crawl. If anyone prefers to rappel, one person can provide a meat anchor then bypass the using the Grim Crawl. Most groups send everyone around the rap using the Grim Crawl as it is a fantastic feature in a deep committed portion of canyon. Well worth the price of entry.
The Grimm Crawl is a slightly slanted shelf RDC with a low ceiling. Crawling along the ledge to bypass rap 2 grabs your attention because it feels like you might roll off the 40 foot drop. The low ceiling is too low to allow a standard hands and knees crawl making it necessary army crawl or slither jamming an arm in the crack as extra friction. A short distance into the crawl it gets much easier all the way to the other end. Once at the other end of the Grim Crawl, go into the main canyon again with an easy back to feet stemming position. Then down climb by stemming between the walls and working about 45 feet down to the canyon floor going over and around multiple chock stones on the way down. Be careful and keep an eye on what is below you and avoid spots that bell out too wide.
The next couple hundred feet after the Grim Crawl, the canyon stays narrow, has more twisted walls and provides a few more down climbs before getting to the narrowest section in the canyon. The narrowest section is only about 10 inches wide on average and has sections closer to 7 inches wide. The canyon maintains this width for about 40 feet up and continues for almost 200 feet long. If you are claustrophobic, this canyon is also not for you! This section is what all the warnings are about.
- wShenanyRP-05
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04766
W -110.49934
Elev: NaN Feet
Rock fall debris after the narrowest portion spits you out and the start of more tight stuff but you have the option to squeeze along the bottom or stem up about 10 feet to wider walls and stem down canyon. Going high requires more energy but is faster overall. Rap 3 is about 600 feet down canyon of the rock fall debris.
Just before reaching rap 3 are a couple of 50 foot drops where some people have placed webbing to rappel or use as handlines. These drops can easily be stemmed down using back to feet against the walls. Or you can take the FUN way and treat these drops like and elevator. Wedge yourself between the walls facing down canyon using hips, knees spread, shoulder or elbows. Then relax the tension a little to start the slide and start the elevator……weeeee.
- dShenanyR3
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04655
W -110.50092
Elev: 4,840 Feet
Rap 3 - Shenanigans. Anchored from a choke about 12 feet overhead and drops about 50 feet from the anchor to a pool below. You will need to stem up 10 feet to get to the anchor. The pool below rap 3 will be a swimmer unless you can walk the series of very small ledges just below the water surface on the LDC side. This can be tricky but rewards those who succeed with staying dry all but their feet. If you slip off you will be going for a full on swim. The first step of the ledge is about 5 feet out along the wall and is a bit of a stretch.
- yShnanyMonkyBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04433
W -110.50318
Elev: 4,740 Feet
Bottom exit of both the Shenanigans and Monkey Business routes. Both routes meet here.
Shenanigans (3) - Exit |
- yShnanyMonkyBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04433
W -110.50318
Elev: 4,740 Feet
Bottom exit of both the Shenanigans and Monkey Business routes. Both routes meet here.
- yFoolinArndBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.03728
W -110.50475
Elev: NaN Feet
Bottom exit of Foollin Around where it joins the exit routes of Shenanigans and Monkey Business. Continue down canyon about 0.25 miles to
- jKelsyButlrExt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.03473
W -110.50794
Elev: 4,520 Feet
Junction of a small side canyon on the RDC side which is used for the Kelsey exit out of Butler Canyon after doing the Monkey Business, Shenanigans or Foolin Around routes. To exit out of Butler Canyon, turn right (west) and walk northwest up this side canyon.
- yNoKiddingBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.03515
W -110.50922
Elev: NaN Feet
Bottom exit of No Kidding. To exit, turn left and walk up the wash to the west-ish.
- KelsyButlr1
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.03528
W -110.51070
Elev: NaN Feet
The exit route gets significantly steeper. Continue up the steep section above by going up the wider ravine to the right and do not go up the this slot on the left. Continuing up is a mix of scrambling up rock sections and trudging up steep loose dirt.
- KelsyButlr2
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.03547
W -110.51186
Elev: NaN Feet
Soft sandy section running along the left (south) side of the ravine and the ravine above looks like it begins to get a lot more difficult. From the top of the sandy area, turn right (north) and cross over to a chute that provides a much easier climb up.
- KelsyButlr3
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.03568
W -110.51213
Elev: NaN Feet
At the easy traverse (KelsyButlr3 ), traverse right (north) and route find to a wide open slick rock area running north east along the base of a cliff face. Walk north east about 275 feet on slick rock to a series of small potholes, cross over those small potholes and walk another 175 feet to a deeper drainage with deeper potholes which is the drainage for No Kidding.
- KelsyButlr4
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.03645
W -110.51125
Elev: NaN Feet
Once on the rim of the No Kidding drainage, turn left and scramble west up fairly steep for about 300 feet to a top out.
- KelsyButlr5
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.03671
W -110.51228
Elev: NaN Feet
Top out to more level terrain, veer slight right (north west) and follow up the gently sloped ridge to dirt then walk an open dirt area about 400 feet to another short slick rock slope then scramble north up the slope.
- KelsyButlr6
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.03762
W -110.51350
Elev: 5,110 Feet
Top of another slick rock slope. Route find rolling desert northwest toward the exit vehicles parked on the dirt road. There will be a few ups and downs in shallow gullies along the way.
- pkNoKidding2
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04245
W -110.51800
Elev: 5,180 Feet
Alternate parking 700 feet further down the road for No Kidding if you have ho clearance.
- pkNoKidding1
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 38.04433
W -110.51793
Elev: 5,225 Feet
A wide area to the left side of the dirt road that can be used as parking when doing canyons in the area. This is where you would start and end for the No Kidding Route. It is also where you park if using the Kelsey exit for any of the Butler Canyons like Shenanigans.