Canyoneering Route Description
Fire Swamp Canyon - 4A III
Death Valley National Park,
02-10-13, 3 people, 1 Day (Travel time in route 7.25 hours)
Time Required - 6 to 8 hours
Distance - 5.5 miles Total, 0.5 miles Technical
Rappels - 6 Rappels, Longest Rappel 185 feet.
Elevation Range - 255 - 1960 Feet
Shuttle Required - No Vehicle - High Clearance, 4WD
Permit Required - No
Rappelling and anchor gear, Ropes and or pull cords for rappels up
to 185 feet and 50 feet of 1 inch webbing for sling placement.
The Princes Bride area is a collection of canyons north of
Stovepipe Wells in the Cottonwood Mountains on the Panamint Range. The
Princess Bride Collection offers a few fun semi short canyons. But you do
need a high clearance 4WD vehicle to safely go enjoy them.
Thanks to Scott Swaney for locating these canyons,
initiating the explorations of them and freely sharing the information.
Parking spots are limited and the spots are only large
enough for one or two vehicles. When driving out to the Princess Bride
Canyons try to leave excess vehicles at Stovepipe Wells and take only one or
two vehicles to the parking spot to start the canyons. When choosing
vehicles it is best to use the ones with 4WD and some clearance since there
are a couple spots with deep rutted sand.
The vehicles will likely not be visible after exiting
the canyon and you walk back across the desert toward them. A GPS or a
compass and map can be very helpful to get you pointed back to the cars
after exiting the canyon. If you follow the natural flow of the open
desert and the wash like areas, you may find yourself wandering off course.
Fire Swamp Canyon uses the the North Approach route.
Fire Swamp is a fun canyon offering a lot of downclimbing over the short
technical section. The tech rating of 4 is due to advanced anchors.
You should be comfortable using knot chalk anchors to enjoy this canyon.
There are two approach
routes used for the
Princess Bride Canyons,
North Approach or South
Approach. While
each approach route
keeps the distance to a
minimum for specific
canyons, either approach can be
used to access any of
the Princess Bride
Canyons. There is an easy
0.7 mile route
connecting the upper
ends of the approaches
running between the tops
of Fire Swamp and
Inconceivable Canyons.
The North Approach is
best used for;
Pit of Despair,
Cliffs of Insanity and Fire Swamp
The South Approach is
best used for;
Inconceivable, Buttercup,
Prepare to Die
and Miracle Max Canyons.
Travel from upper end of
North Approach to upper
end of South Approach:
To travel from Fire
Swamp to Inconceivable
route find your way
south about 0.2 miles to
a saddle
From the saddle route
find your way down the
slope south about 350
feet down into a wash
traveling down to the
south. About 900
feet down the drainage
is a confluence where
side drainage join from
east and west
Of note the drainage
going east from here
leads up to the top of
what looks like a steep
canyon running down the
face of the mountain
when viewed from the
valley floor.
Continue south down the
main wash about 500 feet
passing another drainage
joining in from the west
Follow the drainage
south about 0.2 miles to where it bends
and begins to travel
almost due east (InconceivableTp).
This is the top of
Inconceivable Canyon and
is the upper end of the
South Approach route.
Travel from upper end of
South Approach to upper
end of North Approach:
To travel from the top
of Inconceivable to the
top of Fire Swamp, walk
north up the
Inconceivable drainage
about 0.2 miles to where
a small side drainage
joins in from the west
Continue north up the
drainage about 500 feet
to where a couple side
drainage join from east
and west
Of note the drainage
going east from here
leads up to the top of
what looks like a steep
canyon running down the
face of the mountain
when viewed from the
valley floor.
Continue north up the
drainage about 900 feet
to the upper end of the
wash (wP-BrideCct02).
Travel north up the
slope about 350 feet to
a saddle
Thee route find your way
north about 0.2 miles
down to the top of Fire
Swamp Canyon
To get to the Trailhead
The drive directions start from the gas station in Stovepipe
Wells Death Valley. Stovepipe Wells is a small community
on Highway 190 about mid way between Panamint Springs and
Furnace Creek.
From the convenience store / gas station in Stovepipe Wells (wStovpipeStore)
look for the paved road on the southwest side of the store that
leads west away from highway 190 which leads out toward Marble
and Cottonwood Canyons (Cottonwood Canyon Road). Drive west on the road
passing the camp ground along the way.
About 0.5 miles from highway 190 will be a fork in the road (ExtStovAirStrp).
The fork to the left goes over to an airstrip and is paved.
Stay right at this fork and travel on the dirt road going west.
Be aware that a few spots early on in this road have deep sand
with ruts that will give some vehicles trouble. High clearance
4WD is recommended for travel on this dirt road. Road
conditions do change depending on rains, vehicular traffic and
if the roads have been graded recently. While it is possible to
get passenger vehicles with all wheel drive through the sand it
is not recommended. A vehicle with clearance is helpful to get
through the deep rutted sections. The 4WD may not be used most
of the time but with the sand it could make the difference
between being stuck and being able to pull through a rough patch
Follow the dirt road west about 5 miles to where it bends to the
right to the northwest (Pk-PrBrideS). This bend in the
road is a good place to park if you are following the South
Approach route.
If you are going to be following the North Approach route,
continuing past the bend about 0.4 miles to a wide spot in the
road where you can park a couple vehicles (Pk-PrBrideN).
There are various turnouts or wide spots in the road which are
generally intended to be used for vehicles to pass one another
and are only large enough for one or two cars to park. The
locations of the wide spots will change over time depending on what is done
each time the the road is grated.
To leave the Exit Vehicle / Escape Pod
No exit vehicle is needed. This is done as an out and back
GPS coordinate information listed at the bottom. For information about waypoint naming and map symbols, refer to the
Glossary page.
Click the links for maps of the route.
Map of the drive into the route.
Map of the entire route.
Map of the technical section.
The Approach:
From the parking spot (Pk-PBrideN)
begin the North Approach
by walking southwest
across open desert.
To follow the North
Approach walk southwest across
open desert on a bearing
of about 220 degrees
(true) toward the bottom
of a drainage about 1.25
miles away. From
the parking area the
drainage is the one
leading up to the big
shadowed area on the
range. The big
shadowed area is Fire
Swamp Canyon. The
picture below will help.

Follow the Yellow line to the drainage to begin the North Approach. Follow the Blue line to
the ridge start the South Approach.
This view is from
the parking spot for
North Approach
route. The
view will be
slightly different
from the parking
spot for the South
Approach route.
1.3 miles after
leaving the parking spot
is the bottom end of a
corridor like section
(wP-BrideN-01). This
corridor section leads
up the drainage going up
to the bottom of Fire
Swamp and Inconceivable
As you get closer to the
corridor section in the
wash the terrain gets a
little more undulated
where various washes
form. The corridor
section is in the
largest wash and the one
leading directly up to
the bottom of Fire Swamp
Canyon. If you get
confused it only takes a
little wondering around
to find your way into
the correct drainage
leading up to the bottom
of Fire Swamp Canyon.
Follow southwest up the
corridor section about
700 feet to a short
scramble up to the top
end of the conglomerate
corridor (wP-BrideN-02).
At this point the wash
veers right to travel a
little more to the west.
Walk up the wash about
0.3 miles to a
confluence (FireSwampBt).
The confluence is where
the bottom of the Fire
Swamp drainage meets the
wash you are in.
At the confluence (FireSwampBt)
turn right to follow the
wash leading up to the
northwest. About
400 feet up the wash
will be a side canyon
dropping down from the
left (west) which is the
bottom of Cliffs of
Insanity Canyon (yClifInstyBt).
Continue northwest up
the wash about 0.5 miles
to where the bottom of a
long obvious dry fall
dumps down into the wash
on the left (west) which
is the bottom of Pit of
Despair Canyon (PitOfDespairBt).
After passing the bottom
of Pit of Despair Canyon
you will need to do a
little scrambling in
places to continue up
the wash as you go over
rubble and small boulder
debris. A little
over 300 feet after
passing the bottom of
Pit of Despair Canyon
will be a scree slope on
the left (west) side.
From the bottom of the
scree slope
(wP-BrideN-03) leave the
wash and begin walking /
scrambling up the scree
slope. The scree
goes up a short distance
to the bottom of some
solid grey rock.
If you go past the scree
slope you will soon get
to a pinkish section of
loose dirt and rock.
If you get to the pink
stuff you have went a
little too
far up the wash.

If you go past the
scree slope you will
soon get to a
pinkish section of
loose dirt and
If you get to the
pink stuff you have
went a little too
far up the wash.
A short distance up the
scree is a solid grey
rock area to scramble
up. Scrambling up
the grey rock section
will require hands in a
few spots.
About 500 feet up from
the wash you will notice
it is possible to veer
left and walk up to a
nearby saddle.
Veer left and scramble
about 80 feet over to
the saddle
Cross over this saddle
then down the slope on
the other side about 100
feet down to a wide wash
This is where the North
Approach route for the
Princess Bride canyons
crosses the mid point of
Pit of Despair Canyon.
To continue the approach
up to the top of the
canyons cross the wash
and go up the ridge.
If desired you can go
east down canyon and do
only the lower portion
of Pit of Despair.
To continue the North
Approach for the
Princess Bride Canyons
cross over the mid
section wash (jPitOfDespMid)
of Pit of Despair and
travel up the ridge
running up to the west.
As you go up the ridge
you can see the upper
portion of Pit of
Despair Canyon on the
right (west).
Portions of this ridge
are steep and rough
requiring some easy
route finding and
About 0.3 miles up from
the wash in the mid
point of Pit of Despair
will be a peak you top
out on (jPitOfDespTop).
If you were continuing
dropping down to Pit of
Despair Canyon you would
go west about 800 feet
over to the top of Pit
of Despair Canyon.
From the high point (jPitOfDespTop)
travel south down the
slope toward a wide open
flat area about 500 feet
away. When you
reach the flat area you
will be next to the head
of a drainage
The drainage is
traveling down to the
east over the mountain
side and doesn't form a
significant canyon.
From the flat area
(wP-BrideN-05) continue
south about 600 feet to
a drainage. Walk
down the drainage a
short distance to a
confluence (yClifInstyTp).
This is the top of
Cliffs of Insanity
Canyon. If you
were dropping into
Cliffs of Insanity you
would walk east down the
To continue the
North Approach route
over to Fire Swamp
Canyon, travel up the
wash going south.
A little over 500 feet
up the wash will be a
confluence where a few
small forks form
From the confluence of
small forks
(wP-BrideN-06) route
find your way almost due
south through a web of
micro drainages about
600 feet to a saddle
From the saddle continue
south about 200 feet
dropping down to the
wash / drainage below
This wash is the wash
leading down to Fire
Swamp Canyon. To
continue to Fire Swamp
travel east down the
The Canyoneering / Technical Section:
From the top of
Fire Swamp Canyon (yFireSwampTp)
walk east down the
drainage a few hundred
feet to the top of long
sloped drop down a chute
like area. The
drop is a long scramble
/ downclimb.
Shortly after the long
scramble / downclimb is
the top of rap 1.
Rap 1 is about 700 feet
down canyon of where you
started down the Fire
Swamp drainage.
Rap 1 (dFireSwampR1) is
anchored RDC from a
small arch in the rock
then backed up with a
knot chalk and drops
about 150 feet to a
ledge that is still
about 30 feet up.
It is an easy scramble
down the 30 feet to the
canyon floor. Be
careful of chossy rock
on rap 1.
Rap 2 is about 300 feet
down canyon with a
series of downclimbs and
scrambles along the way.
Rap 2 (dFireSwampR2)
anchored on the LDC side
of a hole at the top of
the drop from a small
arch in the rock and
drops about 100 feet
down two stages.
After rap 2 scramble
down a few more short
drops as you go a little
over 200 feet down
canyon to the top of rap
3. Just before
reaching rap 3 is a
downclimb on the LDC
side in a narrow chute
with very sharp rock.
Rap 3 (dFireSwampR3-4)
is anchored from a cairn
anchor and drops 185
feet down a sloped wall.
Rap 4 is at the bottom
of rap 3, is anchored
LDC from a rock chalk
that is redirected down
through a crack and
drops 60 feet.
Just after rap 4 is a
downclimb of about 12
feet down a chute then a
bunch of easy scrambling
down to rap 5 which is
about 300 feet down
Rap 5 (dFireSwampR5) is
anchored from a choke
stone and drops down a
slightly sloped wall
about 140 feet.
Just after rap 5 is a
series of 4 downclimbs.
The first two are
moderately difficult and
about 20 feet each.
The second two drops can
be bypassed in one shot
by downclimbing along a
long sloped crack on the
RDC side. The long
sloped crack has a
portion that will force
you out to where you
feel exposed so be
careful there.
Down canyon after the
crack downclimb are a
few more easy scrambles
down to rap 6 which is
about 225 feet down
canyon of rap 5.
Rap 6 (dFireSwampR6) is
anchored from one of
many boulders and drops
about 15 feet. Rap
6 may be downclimbed but
is a bit sketchy feeling
so its best done as a
After rap 6 are a few
easy scrambles then wash
walking for about 1500
feet down to the end of
Fire Swamp Canyon (FireSwampBt)
where it dumps back into
the approach wash.
The Exit:
From the
bottom of Fire Swamp
Canyon (FireSwampBt) walk about 0.3 miles
northeast down the wash
to where the top of the
conglomerate corridor
begins (wP-BrideN-02).
Follow down the
conglomerate corridor
down the wash about 600
feet to where the wash
begins to open up wide
again (wP-BrideN-02).
After the corridor opens
up check a GPS or a
compass and walk
northeast on a bearing
of 38 degrees (true) for
1.26 miles back to the
car parking spot
Walking a straight line
will get you there but
will have a lot of ups
and downs over the
alluvium. A
smoother route can be
had by staying a few
hundred feet to the
right (east) of the
plotted straight line.
If you do this be aware
that the alluvial fan
will steer you farther
right than desired.
For the shortest route
just walk the straight
line. For a
smoother route follow
the flow of the alluvial
to the road them turn
left to walk up to the
parked cars.
Downloadable GPX files
available at
BG-Gear Store
(easier than manual entry and a great way to support
Waypoint naming convention and map symbol information can be found on the Glossary page.
Elevations are approximate.
manually entering coordinates set your system to WGS84 datum and Lat/Lon hddd.ddddd° coordinate format.
Inconsistent datum's and coordinate formats will result in location errors.
Click to show / expand the list of waypoints below........
Fire Swamp (1) - Drive to Trailhead |
- wStovpipeStore
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.60663
W -117.14688
Elev: 0 Feet
Convenience store / gas station at Stove Pipe Wells.
- ExtStovAirStrp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.60696
W -117.15503
Elev: NaN Feet
Turn off to go over to an airstrip. To drive out toward the Marble and Cottonwood Canyon area stay left at the fork to drive west.
- wCottonBend
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.61036
W -117.24602
Elev: 210 Feet
A bend to the right while driving the road out toward Marble Canyon. This is bend in the right is a landmark to know you are getting close to the parking area for the Princess Bride canyons. Also if the berm on the south side of the road is washed out it may be possible to park here.
- PkPrincesBride
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.61438
W -117.25144
Elev: 255 Feet
Small pull out gradded into teh side of the road. There are other turnouts near by and all are only large enough for 1 or two vehicles. Pick one and park to start the route toward the Princes Bride Canyons.
Fire Swamp (2) - Approach |
- PkPrincesBride
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.61438
W -117.25144
Elev: 255 Feet
Small pull out gradded into teh side of the road. There are other turnouts near by and all are only large enough for 1 or two vehicles. Pick one and park to start the route toward the Princes Bride Canyons.
- wP-BrideN-01
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.60007
W -117.26564
Elev: 575 Feet
This is the bottom end of a corridor like section leading up toward the drainage below Fire Swamp and Inconceivable Canyon.
- wP-BrideN-02
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59861
W -117.26700
Elev: NaN Feet
Top of the corridor like section in the wash.
- FireSwampBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59675
W -117.27158
Elev: 750 Feet
Bottom of Fire Swamp Canyon where it dumps into the approach wash.
- yClifInstyBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59731
W -117.27262
Elev: 780 Feet
Bottom of Cliffs of Insanity Canyon. This is where it drops into the approach wash.
- PitOfDespairBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.60404
W -117.27645
Elev: 970 Feet
Bottom of Pit of Despair Canyon. On the north approach this looks like a long dry fall dropping down to the wash.
- wP-BrideN-03
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.60475
W -117.27702
Elev: 1,007 Feet
Scree slope leaving up out of the wash about 300 feet after passing the bottom of Pit of Despair Canyon.
- wP-BrideN-04
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.60478
W -117.27859
Elev: 1,410 Feet
A saddle on the north approach route. The mid section of Pit of Despair canyon is the wash below this saddle to the southwest.
- jPitOfDespMid
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.60456
W -117.27879
Elev: 1,375 Feet
North Approach route for the Princess Bride canyons crosses the mid section Pit of Despair Canyon here. To continue the approach cross the wash and travel up the ridge to the southwest. Optionally you could leave the approach route here and drop into the lower portion of Pit of Despair Canyon.
- jPitOfDespTop
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.60000
W -117.27891
Elev: 1,960 Feet
A peak along the north approach route. Leave the ridge and travel northwest route finding your way about 800 feet to the top of Pit of Despair Canyon or continue south down to a wide open flat area to continue the North Approach route.
- wP-BrideN-05
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59850
W -117.27881
Elev: 1,915 Feet
A large flat area along the North Approach route. This point is also where the head of a drainage is traveling down to the east over the mountain side. This drainage doesn't form a significant canyon. Continue south toward the top of Cliffs of Insanity.
- yClifInstyTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59688
W -117.27927
Elev: 1,840 Feet
Top of Cliffs of Insanity Canyon. This is a confluence in the drainage above. Follow down the drainage to the east to drop into Cliffs of Insanity or travel up the wash going up to the south to continue on the North Approach for the Princess Bride Canyons.
- wP-BrideN-06
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59551
W -117.27990
Elev: 1,855 Feet
As you travel south up the wash a few forks form here. From this confluence route find your way about 900 feet south up over a ridge and down into the next major drainage.
- wP-BrideN-07
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59387
W -117.27936
Elev: 1,935 Feet
A saddle on the approach route between Cliffs of Insanity and Fire Swamp Canyons.
- yFireSwampTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59335
W -117.27915
Elev: 1,910 Feet
North Approach route drops into the Fire Swamp Canyon drainage here. To go to Fire Swamp travel east down the wash. Optionally you can route find your way south over to Princess Bride Canyons farther south of here.
Fire Swamp (3) - The Canyon |
- yFireSwampTp
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59335
W -117.27915
Elev: 1,910 Feet
North Approach route drops into the Fire Swamp Canyon drainage here. To go to Fire Swamp travel east down the wash. Optionally you can route find your way south over to Princess Bride Canyons farther south of here.
- dFireSwampR1
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59345
W -117.27679
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 1 - Fire Swamp Canyon. Anchored RDC from a small arch in the rock then backed up with a knot chalk and drops about 150 feet to a ledge that is still about 30 feet up. It is an easy scramble down the 30 feet to the canyon floor. Be careful of chossy rock on rap 1.
- dFireSwampR2
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59383
W -117.27578
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 2 - Fire Swamp Canyon. Anchored on the LDC side of a hole at the top of the drop from a small arch in the rock and drops about 100 feet down two stages.
- dFireSwampR3-4
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59424
W -117.27505
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 3 - Fire Swamp Canyon.
Rap 3 (dFireSwampR3) is anchored from a cairn anchor and drops 185 feet down a sloped wall.
Rap 4 is at the bottom of rap 3, is anchored LDC from a rock chalk that is redirected down through a crack and drops 60 feet.
- dFireSwampR5
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59484
W -117.27418
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 5 - Fire Swamp Canyon. Anchored from a choke stone and drops down a slightly sloped wall about 140 feet.
- dFireSwampR6
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59524
W -117.27358
Elev: NaN Feet
Rap 6 - Fire Swamp Canyon. Anchored from one of many boulders and drops about 15 feet. Rap 6 may be downclimbed but is a bit sketchy feeling so its best done as a rappel.
- FireSwampBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59675
W -117.27158
Elev: 750 Feet
Bottom of Fire Swamp Canyon where it dumps into the approach wash.
Fire Swamp (4) - Exit |
- FireSwampBt
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59675
W -117.27158
Elev: 750 Feet
Bottom of Fire Swamp Canyon where it dumps into the approach wash.
- wP-BrideN-02
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.59861
W -117.26700
Elev: NaN Feet
Top of the corridor like section in the wash.
- wP-BrideN-01
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.60007
W -117.26564
Elev: 575 Feet
This is the bottom end of a corridor like section leading up toward the drainage below Fire Swamp and Inconceivable Canyon.
- PkPrincesBride
Lat/Lon (WGS84): N 36.61438
W -117.25144
Elev: 255 Feet
Small pull out gradded into teh side of the road. There are other turnouts near by and all are only large enough for 1 or two vehicles. Pick one and park to start the route toward the Princes Bride Canyons.